3 men sitting in a sauna heard a bleeping sound, the american pressed his arm and the bleep stopped...'that was my pager, i have a microchip in my arm' he says, then a fone rings and the japanese man puts his palm to his ear...'that was my mobile, i have a microchip in my hand' he says, the irishman not to be outdone, went to the toilet, comes back with toilet paper hangin from his ass, the others stared in disbelief...'Oh bejesus would you look at that, i'm gettin a fax!'
Strat totin
Six string slingin
Son of a gun
I met my maker, i made him cry, and on my shoulder he asked me why, his people won't fly thru the storm, i said, listen here man they don't even know your born.
strat-man rocks with vox