ok its now 4:11am thursday my time ive been up sence 8:00 am my time wensday playing non stop (i just couldent stop)and im about dead,,,,not realy the beer keep me alive....lol....i loved this months bt very fun to do and chalenging......the rythem i got down quick but the change ups took me some time to hear why i dont know cuz i play by ear but non the less difacult....and playing a solo with out another ronchy distorted guitar to back me up ment i hade to be tight with my changes and to go form fret 19 back to 2 that quick wuz hard for me to do...but i did it........ anyhow im kinda proud of this one ......and id like to give a big thanks to hpcrazy cuz his insite to music opend my mind and my ears that much more......come on lets time warp and get on to the next one.....lol....so what you guys think of this take better.....did i hit the changes right? what could i have done better? one thing i know and think i could have done better is my transishin(?) from note to note on the higher end ...i think i could have done it more smoothly but my fingures hurt and im dead tierd but i think i can live with it......and i also have gage 10 strings on my axe so my squeels dident come out the way i wanted and i tried many many times to get them right.... i usaly play with gage 9 but i wuz out of mony and thess where free:) so i cant complain much....i will soon be back to 9's cuz 10's suck for my style of playing
nick i liked your track i think you hade some nice work of them scales going on something i am enveyous of ....hahah i onley know 3 scales lol.....evrey thing else is a acident....... i could see the both of us in the same old bar playing ...but im also a little tipsy so maybe i wuz just seeing you in double....lol
o ya i allmost forgot i left the first track on my sound click page so if anybody wants to hear my first take they can but my second take is allso there it is GT_solo_jan_take2
http://www.soundclick.com/bands/pagemusic.cfm?bandID=611655holy crap looks like i wrote a book.....sorry my post is so long......