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Originally Posted by: schmangeugly fat chicks
Originally Posted by: guitarfreak141the PS3 hasn't been released yet, I'm pretty sure the release date is november or somewhere around there. Although the PS3 will be 500 for the lower end model, i think no hard drive, and no HD support, and 600 for the upper end one, the Nintendo Wii will be $250 and you can control the controller with movements, its pretty cool, if I got one I think I'd get the wii. Who gave it that name. wii. Anyways, the 360 is pretty cool from what I've played, and I think a lot of people have had overheating problems or something like that
Originally Posted by: suicidalmooseThe PS3 was a dissapointment because after all that research and money and delay, they announced
1) that it would cost a crapload of money (and trust me a lot more then the x360 when it's released and
2) that the games were pretty standard (ie the graphics looked the same as xbox360) and
3) that the controller was almost EXACTLY the same except without the vibrate feature just so some flight sim nuts can use the controller to land their planes.
Originally Posted by: Cryptic ExcretionsI forget the story behind the Wii. I overheard some excessively geeky nerds in some game store talking about it, but I forget what they said. I dunno, even my geekiness has its limits on what it can retain.
Originally Posted by: elklandercc...what about the N64, I loved that thing, the games were great, loading times were faster than the ps1 and game saves were also a lot easier. The controller for that was also pretty nicely done. Anyone remember 077 for 64, thats probably in the top 5 best multiplayer fps ever.