Mike ;)
First Date kiss deal thing

Ok, i know this isnt a lovehelp forum but hey its open discussion. So this girl that I am gonna go on a date with, she doesn't want to go out to eat......why? I dont know....But she just wants to go to the movies only I guess and I am trying to find a time to kiss her, but when do you think is the best time? Or should I even.....?
# 1
Originally Posted by: MadGuitarestOk, i know this isnt a lovehelp forum but hey its open discussion. So this girl that I am gonna go on a date with, she doesn't want to go out to eat......why? I dont know....But she just wants to go to the movies only I guess and I am trying to find a time to kiss her, but when do you think is the best time? Or should I even.....?
Tell her that her shoe laces are untied and when she's not looking go in for the kill.
The Gods Made Heavy Metal, And They Saw That It Was Good
They Said To Play It Louder Than Hell, We Promised That We Would
Hulk Smash!!
Whatever you do, don't eat limes. A friend of mine ate a lime once and BAM!! Two years later. Herpes.
They Said To Play It Louder Than Hell, We Promised That We Would
Hulk Smash!!
Whatever you do, don't eat limes. A friend of mine ate a lime once and BAM!! Two years later. Herpes.
# 2
Don't force the issue but don't be timid, if it is going well she will let you know the time is right with prolonged eye contact and smiles etc !!
Just relax and be yourself !
Just relax and be yourself !
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my toons Brought to you by Dr BadGAS
# 3
Some girls are uncomfortable eating in front of guys. I'm not one of them, but I've heard my friends say it before.
# 4

I've heard girls say that before too, Holly.
You'll know when the time is right to kiss. If the opportunity doesn't present itself, you'll just end up looking like a jackarse if you go in for the kill and she gives you the cheek.
So just be a gentleman, open the door for her, maybe bring a flower, tell her she looks nice, be courteous and respectful and you'll get what you want.
You'll know when the time is right to kiss. If the opportunity doesn't present itself, you'll just end up looking like a jackarse if you go in for the kill and she gives you the cheek.
So just be a gentleman, open the door for her, maybe bring a flower, tell her she looks nice, be courteous and respectful and you'll get what you want.
Sometimes I hit notes only dogs can hear.
# 5
Originally Posted by: iihollySome girls are uncomfortable eating in front of guys. I'm not one of them, but I've heard my friends say it before.
I know a girl that doesn't eat in front of anyone unless someone else is eating.
The Gods Made Heavy Metal, And They Saw That It Was Good
They Said To Play It Louder Than Hell, We Promised That We Would
Hulk Smash!!
Whatever you do, don't eat limes. A friend of mine ate a lime once and BAM!! Two years later. Herpes.
They Said To Play It Louder Than Hell, We Promised That We Would
Hulk Smash!!
Whatever you do, don't eat limes. A friend of mine ate a lime once and BAM!! Two years later. Herpes.
# 6
well, I'd say, the time to kiss, is either when you're saying goodnight (you better walk her to her door!) or just what everyone else said, if you have prolonged eye contact. and it seems like she's having a good time, if she's just like "yeah, sure, whatever" to everything you say, then don't even bother. be sure to be a gentleman, and act mature. open doors, complement (but not too much otherwise she knows you are just trying to get brownie points) make sure that you pay for the whole date, do not let her spend a dime (don't be rude) but if she starts reaching into her purse, just say something like "i've got it" or "it's my treat" or something like that. umm, when you get into the movie theater, before the movie starts, talk to her, don't just be sitting there doing nothing. and, also talk to her a little bit during the movie, not a lot, but just say something everynow and then, don't try to have a full fledged conversation, but just make a joke or something every now and then, just to let her know that you're still paying attention to her. and, if the date is going good so far, then partway through the movie, or if there is a scary part or something, reach over and hold her hand.
if you're the shy type of person, and there is some awkward silence, generally most conversations start with a question or statement... so, ask her something about her self, or ask her what her favorite movie/candy/drink/etc. is just to get a conversation up and running, if there is alot of awkward silence, then you can know that you're not getting a kiss! but hey, if the date goes great, but at the end she just gives you a hug, then just accept that, maybe she isn't the type who kisses on the first date, I didn't kiss my current girlfriend until our third date. but, the best advice I can give you, though I'm sure you've heard it a million times, but that doesn't make it any less true, but, be yourself! and don't get nervous, you may be nervous, but try not to think about the fact that you are on a date or start worrying about a kiss or anything. just lay back and do what comes naturally... well... not anything that comes naturally.....
one last piece of advice......... BREATH MINTS!!!!
good luck dude, let me know how it goes
if you're the shy type of person, and there is some awkward silence, generally most conversations start with a question or statement... so, ask her something about her self, or ask her what her favorite movie/candy/drink/etc. is just to get a conversation up and running, if there is alot of awkward silence, then you can know that you're not getting a kiss! but hey, if the date goes great, but at the end she just gives you a hug, then just accept that, maybe she isn't the type who kisses on the first date, I didn't kiss my current girlfriend until our third date. but, the best advice I can give you, though I'm sure you've heard it a million times, but that doesn't make it any less true, but, be yourself! and don't get nervous, you may be nervous, but try not to think about the fact that you are on a date or start worrying about a kiss or anything. just lay back and do what comes naturally... well... not anything that comes naturally.....
one last piece of advice......... BREATH MINTS!!!!
good luck dude, let me know how it goes
# 7

# 8
Originally Posted by: MadGuitarestDo you give a goodnite kiss at door or in car?
At the door man... gotta walk her to the door...
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# 9

First impressions.... The most important part of a prospective relationship is the first impression. If you make a bad first impression you will have to spend the rest of the night making up for it. So go overboard just a little... When you pick her up dress nice (not too nice, but more than usual) pick a flower or something (nothing too exotic, just a small simple flower) Give her compliments in old English not slang... Example: don't say "You look HOT!"... say "You look really beautiful tonight"... she'll come back with either a "thank you." or "aw, that's sweet" if you get the latter... say "I'm not trying to be sweet, just being honest"..... you're in like Flinn (whatever that means.) The rest of the night just be yourself. Don't try to put on a show or impress her... most girls don't like showoffs. By her choosing to only go to a movie you can make two assumptions... she's either A. a conservative girl... or B. she's not that interested... I would choose A and develop your gameplan around that. haha. Treat her like a lady and just be yourself though, that's the most important thing. If the kiss doesn't come naturally then don't worry yourself... You should be more worried about getting a second date!!!!
# 10
Originally Posted by: iihollySome girls are uncomfortable eating in front of guys. I'm not one of them, but I've heard my friends say it before.
I know girls like that too. It's funny to me that they fear they're being offensive. There's a girl who's office across the hall from mine and sometimes I'll wander into her office while she's eating and she gets really redfaced and embarassed. Very weird. :confused:
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# 11
As strange and metaphysical as this sounds, you WILL know when the time is right. There are signs as noted by countless others in the forum here. Watch for them and as pointed out, be yourself. Nothing more, nothing less. If you're really interested in this girl, show her that.
There are a couple of sure fire signs that I always look for; lingering eye contact, or if she drops her eyes when she laughs and the lip chewing while you're standing at the door saying goodnight. That usally leads to a goodnight kiss.
There are a couple of sure fire signs that I always look for; lingering eye contact, or if she drops her eyes when she laughs and the lip chewing while you're standing at the door saying goodnight. That usally leads to a goodnight kiss.
[FONT=Tahoma]"All I can do is be me ... whoever that is". Bob Dylan [/FONT]
# 12

Originally Posted by: Cryptic ExcretionsTell her that her shoe laces are untied and when she's not looking go in for the kill.
You just gotta love the social skills (not to mention fool-proof advice) of mr Excretions!
Dude, you shouldnt be trying anything just for that kiss, just go with it hey...if you really enjoy eachothers company and things can move on, then they will...just make sure that she realises that you are interrested...the amount of times I've lost out because she thinks I am gay or summin!...
[FONT=Century Gothic]Hope is when we feel the pain that makes us try again[/FONT]
# 13
Originally Posted by: Andrew SaYou just gotta love the social skills (not to mention fool-proof advice) of mr Excretions!
Dude, you shouldnt be trying anything just for that kiss, just go with it hey...if you really enjoy eachothers company and things can move on, then they will...just make sure that she realises that you are interrested...the amount of times I've lost out because she thinks I am gay or summin!...
Ahem... That's Dr. Excretions to you.
The Gods Made Heavy Metal, And They Saw That It Was Good
They Said To Play It Louder Than Hell, We Promised That We Would
Hulk Smash!!
Whatever you do, don't eat limes. A friend of mine ate a lime once and BAM!! Two years later. Herpes.
They Said To Play It Louder Than Hell, We Promised That We Would
Hulk Smash!!
Whatever you do, don't eat limes. A friend of mine ate a lime once and BAM!! Two years later. Herpes.
# 14
Originally Posted by: Pantallica1I've heard girls say that before too, Holly.
You'll know when the time is right to kiss. If the opportunity doesn't present itself, you'll just end up looking like a jackarse if you go in for the kill and she gives you the cheek.
So just be a gentleman, open the door for her, maybe bring a flower, tell her she looks nice, be courteous and respectful and you'll get what you want.
No joe panties!
Haha get what you want, that sounds so dirty.
# 15

Originally Posted by: iihollyNo joe panties!
Haha get what you want, that sounds so dirty.
Only because you have a warped mind, my sweetness. ;)
(Ok, I've re-read it, and it's a little dirty, but oh well!.)
Sometimes I hit notes only dogs can hear.
# 16

well had date last nite, she totally lead me on and then said maybe 2 a second date...but that means no so f her
Mike ;)
# 17
Ah, the time honoured tradition of getting a free movie/meal/whatever out of someone... Women have the advantage here, in as far as blokes pretty much never say no...
It might just be me.... maybe if we all played harder to get, we could turn this thing around? :D
Sorry to hear it didn't pan out dude - plenty more fish in the sea and all that. My suggestion would be to stay friendly with her and see if you can get in with any of her mates - you'll have more success if you get a positive introduction...
It might just be me.... maybe if we all played harder to get, we could turn this thing around? :D
Sorry to hear it didn't pan out dude - plenty more fish in the sea and all that. My suggestion would be to stay friendly with her and see if you can get in with any of her mates - you'll have more success if you get a positive introduction...
Check out my music, video, lessons & backing tracks here![br]https://www.renhimself.com
# 18

I think that the traditional date of a dinner and a movie is not good for a first date. Especially if you hardly know someone. Sitting in a movie theater doesn't give you any time to get to know each other and dinner is to boring. Something more fun like bowling where you guys can move around and laugh. A dinner and a movie seems more intimate and should wait for at least the second date. Besides, something different might set you apart from the rest and will leave a good impression on her for a second date.
If you want to move in for the kiss then just look into her eyes with a kind of serious I’m into you look. And if she gives it back then she’s all for a kiss. But if she breaks eye contact and starts looking around or moves her whole body away then no deal.
If you want to move in for the kiss then just look into her eyes with a kind of serious I’m into you look. And if she gives it back then she’s all for a kiss. But if she breaks eye contact and starts looking around or moves her whole body away then no deal.
# 19

Yeah, we have been friends for some time and she told me how much she liked me and thought this could work as a relationship, but then last nite we were on her porch and she broke eye contact some times, but she said she wanted to take it slow a day before the a date, but its funny how she didnt want to with her last boyfriend. She did this too one of my friends also. So anyways f it
Mike ;)
# 20