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First impressions.... The most important part of a prospective relationship is the first impression. If you make a bad first impression you will have to spend the rest of the night making up for it. So go overboard just a little... When you pick her up dress nice (not too nice, but more than usual) pick a flower or something (nothing too exotic, just a small simple flower) Give her compliments in old English not slang... Example: don't say "You look HOT!"... say "You look really beautiful tonight"... she'll come back with either a "thank you." or "aw, that's sweet" if you get the latter... say "I'm not trying to be sweet, just being honest"..... you're in like Flinn (whatever that means.) The rest of the night just be yourself. Don't try to put on a show or impress her... most girls don't like showoffs. By her choosing to only go to a movie you can make two assumptions... she's either A. a conservative girl... or B. she's not that interested... I would choose A and develop your gameplan around that. haha. Treat her like a lady and just be yourself though, that's the most important thing. If the kiss doesn't come naturally then don't worry yourself... You should be more worried about getting a second date!!!!