First Date kiss deal thing

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07/21/2005 6:16 pm
Wow, either all of you guys in here are actually gentlemen or are just bull****ting. I have NEVER had a boyfriend who payed for anything. Not that Im complaining, I prefer to pay for myself, but it does seem that the old image of a guy in a tux opening doors and paying for dinner and what not is in actuality a dying breed.
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07/21/2005 6:21 pm
Oh, and sorry for your luck, some chicks can be assholes, but occasionaly youll find one that isnt phsycotic, and is actually pretty cool.

To tell you the truth men as a whole have found more phsycotic girlfriends than i thought existed.
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Proud Celica Enthusiast
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07/21/2005 6:39 pm
Originally Posted by: fingertricksI think that the traditional date of a dinner and a movie is not good for a first date. Especially if you hardly know someone. Sitting in a movie theater doesn't give you any time to get to know each other and dinner is to boring. Something more fun like bowling where you guys can move around and laugh. A dinner and a movie seems more intimate and should wait for at least the second date. Besides, something different might set you apart from the rest and will leave a good impression on her for a second date.[/QUOTE]
my first date with my current girlfriend we went to a school dance, then midnight bowling afterwards. it was so much fun, plus I got to kiss her... like 10 times... and now we've been going out for 6 months as of tomorrow... but she's leaving tomorrow so were celebrating it tonight.
[QUOTE=x0o_BurnOut_o0x]Wow, either all of you guys in here are actually gentlemen or are just bull****ting. I have NEVER had a boyfriend who payed for anything. Not that Im complaining, I prefer to pay for myself, but it does seem that the old image of a guy in a tux opening doors and paying for dinner and what not is in actuality a dying breed.

as I said before, my girlfriend and I have been going out for 6 months. and she has only paid for one date out of that whole time, and that was only because she had a giftcard for the movie theater, so she actually didn't end up spending anything... same deal with tonight, she's got a giftcard to a restaraunt, but if it ends up costing more then how much the gift card covers, then I'm picking up the rest. so... yeah... and I always open the door for her. but no, I don't wear a suit... pretty much just some ripped jeans and a t-shirt for me...
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07/21/2005 6:45 pm
oh hey, and sorry about your date... there's better girls out there, it's just more of a waiting game. the first girl I ever went out with pretty much did the same thing... except, after the first date (no kiss btw) I would call her for a second date, and she'd say either that she was busy or she'd say yes and then call me back at the last second and cancel the date and say that something came up... she lead me on like that for 2 months... but about a month after that whole fiasco, is when I met my current girlfriend, so, just give it some time, and a better girl will come around.
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07/21/2005 7:24 pm
Sorry dude. It happens I guess. My advice is this; just keep a decent attitude with her. Be nice and friendly. You may be surprised six months down the road. And if not, hey, your rep as a really decent guy after this will most certainly help with other ladies a little further down the road.

And as far as 'gentlemen' being a dying breed, I don't know about that. I really believe that there are more of us out there than people might want to admit. In the end, you have to be who you are. I never treat women poorly. It's just bad mojo. If think a woman special then you have to treat her that way. If it works out, great. If not, you have not lost much other than some cash for a date and maybe a couple of pangs in the heart.

They heal.

So, as others have said, stay cool and don't look. That's almost always when you find her.

Good luck.
[FONT=Tahoma]"All I can do is be me ... whoever that is". Bob Dylan [/FONT]
# 5
Cryptic Excretions
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07/21/2005 9:15 pm
Originally Posted by: AkiraI ended up getting sick of going after a girl and getting led on, or going out with them for a month (if that), and then getting the "we should just be friends line", or the "I just want to be on my own" line (and then they go out with someone else the next day). So, I gave up on girls. Then, by chance, I met Sophie (by chance I mean that if it was 2 mins earlier/later I wouldn't have met her), and we've now been going out for just over 2 years.

So I would say, don't try too hard to find a girl, just be cool and things will fall into place.

I think I would have to agree with Akira. Seems as though the best things are never forced, but allowed to grow naturally.
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07/21/2005 9:16 pm
I've never paid for a date. Usually it just works out that way, and the guy doesn't ask me to pay nor do we even talk about it. I don't mind paying, even if it is a bad date atleast I got some free stuff.

As for the first date thing, I wouldn't worry about it too much. Just because you're going on dates with someone doesn't mean you can't pursuit anyone else.

# 7
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07/21/2005 10:59 pm
Originally Posted by: hunter60Sorry dude. It happens I guess. My advice is this; just keep a decent attitude with her. Be nice and friendly. You may be surprised six months down the road. And if not, hey, your rep as a really decent guy after this will most certainly help with other ladies a little further down the road.

And as far as 'gentlemen' being a dying breed, I don't know about that. I really believe that there are more of us out there than people might want to admit. In the end, you have to be who you are. I never treat women poorly. It's just bad mojo. If think a woman special then you have to treat her that way. If it works out, great. If not, you have not lost much other than some cash for a date and maybe a couple of pangs in the heart.

They heal.

So, as others have said, stay cool and don't look. That's almost always when you find her.

Good luck.

Very well said. I do all the gentlemen things that men should do for women, so a dying breed? I think not. You're just looking in the wrong place.
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07/22/2005 12:02 am
Originally Posted by: Pantallica1Very well said. I do all the gentlemen things that men should do for women, so a dying breed? I think not. You're just looking in the wrong place.

Well, I'd go both ways on that one. I would agree that yes you're looking in the wrong places, but having just looked out the window seconds ago to see a jackass neighbor peel out through the parking lot because he thinks he's a hot shot or something... well, I do also think that tactful, decent people are becoming somewhat scarce. I'm a cross between both. I can give out about as insightful of a thought as you could imagine it and punctuate it with the stupidest, jerk-like nonsense.
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07/22/2005 7:11 pm
"Well, I'd go both ways on that one. I would agree that yes you're looking in the wrong places, but having just looked out the window seconds ago to see a jackass neighbor peel out through the parking lot because he thinks he's a hot shot or something... well, I do also think that tactful, decent people are becoming somewhat scarce. I'm a cross between both. [U]I can give out about as insightful of a thought as you could imagine it and punctuate it with the stupidest, jerk-like nonsense."[/U]

That just proves that you're human like the rest of us. If I had a dime for every time I did something amazingly stupid, I would be a rich man...
[FONT=Tahoma]"All I can do is be me ... whoever that is". Bob Dylan [/FONT]
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07/22/2005 7:52 pm
Originally Posted by: AkiraAm I the only one in a relationship where the man shares the cost of dinner etc with the woman?

yep, I just went to dinner with my gf last night, she had a $25 gift card and the meal came out to $31.24 + tip... so, I picked up the extra $6.24 and the tip. so yeah... and the best part is, that she has a job, and I don't, so, I'm struggling to be able to afford everything we do, and she could easily afford it, and I still don't let her pay. we agreed that she would only pay for it only if I absolutely couldn't... and that hasn't happened yet... so
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07/22/2005 10:22 pm
I think after a year or two of dating, it's okay to let the woman pay for some things, but only if she offers. Because after that point, what's yours is hers and what's hers is hers, so it makes no difference.
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07/23/2005 3:35 pm
Or you can keep what's in your wallet like me and just become a hermit and never date. Yeah!!! Go Team!!!
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Whatever you do, don't eat limes. A friend of mine ate a lime once and BAM!! Two years later. Herpes.
# 13
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07/23/2005 6:14 pm
I think dinner is a bad idea for a first date because you usually feel somewhat uncomfortable eating in front of someone you just met and want to make a good impression on.

I also think movies make really good first dates because there's less of a chance to have the classic ackward silences. You're either making chat in the car or during the movie.

Lastly, kissing on a first date is a bad idea unless you have no intention of eventually sparking a relationship with that girl. I think the guy should just take the initiative and give the girl a hug or something that keeps off the tension. That way she doesn't think you're just trying to get in her pants! :P
# 14
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07/24/2005 3:03 pm
its funny, last nite i went to the girls house for a party, and I was like an hour and a half early....and we were talking and i totally went for the kill and kissed her, then we made out for like 5 yeah ,i dont know whats going on!
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07/24/2005 7:03 pm
Originally Posted by: MadGuitarestits funny, last nite i went to the girls house for a party, and I was like an hour and a half early....and we were talking and i totally went for the kill and kissed her, then we made out for like 5 yeah ,i dont know whats going on!

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07/25/2005 5:50 pm
Originally Posted by: Cryptic ExcretionsOr you can keep what's in your wallet like me and just become a hermit and never date. Yeah!!! Go Team!!!

Clearly that could be the answer to most of lives social problems.

Oh Mad, was she drunk? Because if she was drunk, it so doesn't count.

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07/25/2005 6:50 pm
Originally Posted by: iiholly...if she was drunk, it so doesn't count.

Sure it does. If guys have to be held accountable for their actions while drunk so do girls.
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07/26/2005 7:50 am
Originally Posted by: HammurabiSure it does. If guys have to be held accountable for their actions while drunk so do girls.

Amen.... As long as she was conscious ( :eek: ), it's good.... I've pulled a few fuglies when I've been drunk, but denying it happened isn't going to change it...

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# 19
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07/26/2005 10:10 am
Originally Posted by: AkiraI've never taken advantage of anything whilst drunk, apart from the beer supply.

Nicely put, although that's what I was trying to say... Is it taking advantage? If I was drunk when I kissed the girl, I strongly doubt that the girl would think she had taken advantage of me...

As long as no-one gets hurt it's cool - some people only loosen up enough to have a personality when drunk, others fall over after one drink (hence the consciousness comment). I don't think it's as simple as 'if she was drunk, it so doesn't count'....

Anyway, moving back on topic.... was she drunk Mr Mad? :D

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