Personally I was rooting for Kerry (the vast majority of us who are not Americans were). Not so much because I can point out the good points that are there about Kerry (I haven't been too keen on his credentials or his lack of them), but rather because, by and large, I do not like what being a "conservative" tends to mean. And not just in America. In quite a few other places. Stuff about the history of the slave trade, civil liberties, socially sensitive stuff like abortion and so on. I consider myuself centre left. A respectful and not overly raucous liberal. So a conservative winning is not my cup of coffee, but I guess I have no option but to live with it.
I'm also dissappointed by the fact that Bush has decisively won the popular vote. For this reason:
In the 2000 elections, he lost the popular vote, meaning that by and large, we could always argue that no matter what **** ups he executes, he after all doesn't have the popular mandate of the American people. We could console ourselves that seeing as the majority of Americans, for example, were opposed to unilaterally invading Iraq, he was doing it against their wishes, and there wasn't too much they could do beyond the protests.
And now they go and hand him the popular vote.
Which tells me they approve his actions.
That inspite of what the rest of the world feels about Bush (about his actions, actually), they got his back.
That despite the centibillion (it's a coupla hundred billion, right?) dollar deficit that his adminstration has racked up, they want him to keep doing what he does best (whatever that is).
That despite the Iraq fiasco, it's all good with them.
I guess with Osama breathing down your necks from _____ miles away (the dash is since you don't know where he is), you had to go for the guy who looks like he'd do a better job of fighting terror. I'm thinking that's why Americans gave him their mandate this time round.
I could sulk for ever, so I'll just stop here.
This thread is for sulking, yelling, celebrating the victory, whatever.
Have a ball.