About two years ago I sort of quit playing guitar.
Like yourself, I felt that guitar didn't give me anything anymore.
It was a strange feeling, I wanted to play guitar, but I didn't.
Since I was 8 my life has more or less circulated around guitarplaying,
so my mind refused to let it go. But once I started playing, something
was missing, it just wasn't fun anymore.
Then I did my military service, so even if I wanted to I could'nt play.
And so my service came to an end, and I found myself without anything
to do, so I decided why not give the old Strat another chance?
Unfortunately, the results were the same this time.
But then, as I saw that little chinese girl playing (you know in the
"Now THAT'S unbelievable!"-thread), and I instantly got this strange
feeling "wow now I just GOTTA learn those songs!".
So I picked up the acoustic for the first time in a while, and sat down
and tried to learn Gran Jota.
Now 4-5 months later not a day goes by without at least 4 hours of
classical guitar practice, I just can't get enough!
I've gotten further in my guitarplaying in 5 months than I have
done the last 5 years before. I have however come to terms with
the fact that my interest in electric guitar seems forever cool.
If you miss having fun playing guitar, take it easy.
In 1, 3, 10 or 30 years maybe you will pick it up again. You never know.
And if you don't? Well, that's the way it is sometimes.
I was, like you, in love with football (or "soccer" as you yanks insist on calling it),
but now I have'nt played it for 10 years.
I used to love mashed potatoes too. I
hate it now.
Don't worry too much, it's not the end of the world.
But for the love of god, don't play if you don't want to, that'll make you hate
guitar for sure. There's nothing worse you could do.