Originally Posted by: Dr_simonAs for the mini amps we I still have them however after getting the TSL100 they don't get a lot of use !
Is the tsl that thing you posted a picture of and asked "... you mean a rack as in this?..."?
I don't know why that thing makes me think of fancy high performance cars. it just does. Maybe it's all the knobs.
It also depresses me. Learning guitar alone is hard enough. Only to find out I'll need to learn how to work something like that as well. I'll try do handle the first part.
And now that i remembered, when I announced here that I'd formed a band, you're one of the people who wished me well. So i guess an update is not out of place.
So we formed a band. But we lived about 200km from each other (the three of us). Then one of the guys lost his cell phone. And since no one memorises numbers saved in a cell phone, we couldn't reach other. Then guess what? The guy who was the farthest joined Kenyatta University, which is about 30 km from my home town, Thika. The other guy was a final year education student at the same uni, and they bumped into each other. How's that for cincidence? Then the final year student goes for teaching practice. And where is the school he goes to? THIKA. If that is not God, I dunno what is.
Anyway, we've started practicing together. And we've found two gigs. One is at some gas station/ pub called metro fill, the other is a small but storied hotel called The Blue Posts Hotel (it's mentioned in Expelth Huxley's The Flame Trees of Thika).
Not a bad start, if you ask me. We'll take it from there.
I'm feeling good. Really good.