Everyones got their favourites but no two guitars feel the same, once you sell them thats it, if later you decide to start playing again and buy another of one of your guitars it just doesnt feel the same, it may look exact and have all the same specs but when you own and play a guitar for so long you imprint part of yourself on it and when you leave this world you will be stuck in limbo for ever searching for the lost pieces of your soul that you sold away.
If at the moment you truly feel that your passion for guitar has well and truly burnt out then by all means stop or at least take a break so you can put things into perspective but dont force yourself to be interested and most important of all dont sell all your guitars, if you want to sell them than find the one that you connect with the most when you play it and sell the restbut never all of them because if a few months or years down the track you feel like having a play and you dont have a guitar than you may be miss out on regaining what it is you once loved about th e guitar