In this lesson we'll learn two different turnarounds to use in our blues arrangement. One is ascending, the notes form a melodic pattern going up in pitch. The other is descending, the notes go down in pitch.
We'll alternate between them in our play along for variety!
Lesson Info
Christopher Schlegel
Tutorial Lessons
- Blues Orchestration 4: Introduction
- Barring The IV & V Chords
- Turnaround No. 1 & No. 2
- Play Along 80 BPM
- Play Along 120 BPM
- Transposing With Moveable Barre Shapes
- Adjusting The Turnarounds
- Play Along 80 BPM
- Play Along 120 BPM
- Using A-String Rooted Chords
- Playing Minor 7th In The Bass Line
- Play Along 80 BPM
- Play Along 120 BPM