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We end our song with a guitar solo full of raunch and attitude that goes for 12 measures. Here are some key points to help you through it, as well as how to end the song:

1. The guitar solo goes for twelve bars, and at the end the last note will ring for nearly two measures before the whole band ends on beat 4.

2. To break it down, the solo can be split up into three sections each going for 4 bars:

A) The solo starts off with a bend from B to C# on 17th fret of the high E string. From there, you will start in on a 32nd note melody that incorporates harmonics as well as a repeating melody that moves from E to B on the B string quickly. The phrase ends with a half step bend from G to A, and caps off with a bunch of noise made by running your hands up down the strings.

B) The second eight bars starts off with a chromatic, blues style melody starting on C# on the high E string, and moves onto to some repeating bends from G to A, also utilizing the surrounding strings for some nice harmonic tones. You will then play a very loosely played chromatic line from C to Eb on the G string, utilizing some bends and ending with slide on D. This will then take you into series of slides up the B string, moving from G to A to C to C# that will end the second eight bars.

C) The last 8 bars starts on C on the G string, using plenty of vibrato. You will follow that with a melody that will lead into a series of bends and chromaticism, utilizing the A blues scale. The section will end with another loosely played line from C to Eb, and then you will bend a whole step from D to E. You will play it once on the way up, once on the way down and then end on A on the E string on beat 4. You will let it ring with plenty of vibrato and feedback for two measures ending the song.

3. The solo ends with the low A note (played on E string) ringing for two measures and ending with the rest of the band. Try and get plenty of feedback for the ending if you can.

4. Guitar #1 will play the main rhythmic motif 3 times during the solo.

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