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As you can hear, there is no guitar during the first A section of the song. However, during the 2nd and 3rd A sections we have two guitar parts that work great together to support the song. Here are some key points to help you through them:

1. The A section is 8 bars long and is played three times, the first time without any guitar. Guitar #2 dominates this section while guitar #1 comes in half way through.

2. Guitar #2 starts in on the "e" of 1, and plays a sixteenth rhythm that starts on A (5th fret, E string), and continues that same phrasing moving from a low G all the way up to the 12th fret of the E string (E). When the bass switches to G, you will play the same rhythm on G (3rd fret, low E string) for two bars and end on E on the "e" of beat 4. The phrase will end with a slide to the 12th fret of the low E string, making way for the B section.

3. Guitar #1 comes in halfway through, and plays a C major triad over the G chord on the 17th fret of the B, G, and D strings. The chord comes in on beat 2 of the 5th and 6th measures of the section.

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