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Throughout "Closer" another guitar plays arpeggios of our chord progression using barre chords, with some effects. The tone will depend on the dynamics with the rest of the band, as will how the arpeggio is played. I am going to show you how each chord is voiced, and a few different ways you can arpeggiate them throughout the song. Here are some key points to help you:

1. The chord progression throughout the song is B minor - D - A repeated throughout. Our guitar part enters in the intro and stays in the entire time.

2. This guitar, with our reverb, rotary effect, and eighth note delay, outlines each chord using root position chords with the root on the low E string.

3. The A section will be played with slightly less overdrive then the B section. During the A section, you want to play the chords with fewer notes. Once the B section enters and the vocals are more sparse, you can include more notes in the chords.

5. During the outro, you will change up your picking pattern to play en eighth note pattern during each chord. This helps bring up the dynamic of the ending.

4. The key is to think about dynamics and to never get in the way of the lead vocal.

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