- Guitar Tricks 6: Pinch Harmonics Lesson
- Guitar Tricks 3: Minor Arpeggio Lesson
- Guitar Tricks 21: Guitar Songwriting Tips
- Guitar Tricks 24: Drop D Tuning
- Guitar Tricks 57: Two-Hand Tapping
- Guitar Tricks 72: Pentatonic Soloing Riff
- Guitar Tricks 75: Diminished 2 Hand Tap
- Guitar Tricks 98: Legato Lick in A Minor
- Guitar Tricks 111: Metal Pedal Point
- Guitar Tricks 130: Metal Songwriting Tips
- Guitar Tricks 164: Specialty Metal Chords
- Guitar Tricks 171: Open String Lead
- Guitar Tricks 176: 80s Hair Metal Chords
- Guitar Tricks 177: Iron Maiden Style Riffs
Guitar Tricks 111: Metal Pedal Point
What is pedal point? Even if you don't what it is, you've probably heard it before. This lesson shows you what it is and how to use it in the metal/rock genre. Neal shares his two favorite positions for using the pedal point technique in a solo or as a musical theme. First open string example uses dorian mode, the second uses harmonic minor.
The tip of the week is to listen to the other musicians in the band to get a more cohesive sound happening.
If you like this lesson, then GT has a lot more that cover ideas on how to use pedal point!
Speedy Ideas Series 4: Advanced Minor Shredding
Neal Walter