The names derive from beats in 4/4 or "common" time.
So a half note would be 2 beats, since their are 4 beats in a measure, 2 would be half.
Then a whole would be all...... Quarter 1/4 or "1" beat...... Eight - 1/2 beat etc.......
And since this worked so well in 4/4 time, it works in the same principle in others.....
in 2/4 time you never see "whole" notes because that is 4 beats, and there aren't that many beats in the measure.
So your assumption is wrong -
whole - 4 beats
half - 2 beats
quarter - 1 beat
eighth - 1/2 beat or 2 times in 1 beat
16th - 1/4 beat or 4 times in 1 beat
32nd - 1/8 beat or 8 times in 1 beat
got it? good....
But Ya me 2, I basically just play. I only really look at the tempo markings if I haven't heard the song ever or in awhile.
And I just don't bother when writing my own stuff, cuz it stays in my head usually.
But all the classical stuff I do, I use all that stuff. Plus I play the tenor sax in the school band, and hafta know it.
There are only two important things in life - There's music and theres girls, not necessarily in that order....
The Ace's Guitar Tricks