Marcus Paus

Originally posted by Death55
If this was true then why havnt i heard about him before anywhere ?
because speed is (from a certain point on) absolutely uninterresting. we are musicians, not airforce pilots.
[FONT=Times New Roman]Holiness is in right action and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves. What you decide to do every day makes you a good person... or not.[/FONT][br][br]
[FONT=Times New Roman]Holiness is in right action and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves. What you decide to do every day makes you a good person... or not.[/FONT][br][br]

Anyway, if you want to hear a guitar being played about mid-40s per second and NOT in the typical scale/arp style check this out from our old buddy Bofatron -- the greatest spoof shredder of all time:
And this was medium speed for Bofa. Ultimately, he worked his way up to speeds of about 70 notes per second, got bored with it all, and ran off to South America ;) If you dig the avant rock sound of Vernon Reid and his Dolphy-inspired shards of chaos solos then you might appreciate Bofatron.

240 bpm 16th notes if I'm not mistaken.
There used to be an page called Bofatron's Specimen Lab and it had quite a few of these licks from 20 notes per second right on up to mid-60s.
[Edited by Ego on 11-27-2003 at 12:44 PM]

[FONT=Times New Roman]Holiness is in right action and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves. What you decide to do every day makes you a good person... or not.[/FONT][br][br]

The only thing important about it is that you think it is nonsense and then how you judge it after that. They had a whole box full of hysterical email and whatnot documenting reactions to it.
One would be tempted to think that all reactions to Bofatron would be hostile because it is nonsense but, on the contrary, they found that way more than 50% really liked it with a substantial number of people like you who just thought it was crap. And then there were the extremes (5% on one side and %5 on the other side) who thought Bofatron was (A) the devil himself or (B) a god.
It was all great fun and, like his site says, he's not laughing with you, he's laughing at you. ;)

(A) metal heads
(B) fans of Yngwie (and assorted clones)
(C) older "blues" guys
(D) Emo and grunge
They really had a problem with Bofatron.
And I know that they would have been interested to see that someone with "Death" in their name disliked it ;)
[Edited by Ego on 11-27-2003 at 03:06 PM]
Now, that's funny.

The Ace's Guitar Tricks
[FONT=Times New Roman]Holiness is in right action and courage on behalf of those who cannot defend themselves. What you decide to do every day makes you a good person... or not.[/FONT][br][br]

Anyway, another thing with speed (and is there any other topic to get people worked up over?) is the envy fator -- Bofatron used to get slagged hard by a few guys at (the kind of guys who are painfully slave-ish to neo-classical stuff) but, for every person to bash B. he'd get 10 people signing up to his message board begging to be let in on the secret. The best was when the guy who railed the hardest emailed B. on the side and asked for an "exclusive interview" for his web site. LMAO! Publically he had to appear uber-hostile but secretly he really wanted to be able to play at unlimited speeds. :)
I see Bofatron as a riddle and there was no right or wrong answer to the question. You either got it or you didn't. Either way what was interesting was not if you got it or not but why. Some personality types can't solve the riddle except by destroying the riddle itself.

The Ace's Guitar Tricks
Those links are dead...
[U]ALL[/U] generalizations are [U]WRONG[/U]

man, my site is down! I suppose it will be back up in a while. It appears that the provider is down.
[Edited by Ego on 11-28-2003 at 07:30 PM]

...but, for every person to bash B. he'd get 10 people signing up to his message board begging to be let in on...
I don't know which pieces you cats checked out??
After listening to "Hell Ride Lick...", virtually ANY musician with an ear & a feel for the quality of melodic content will find that to be a buch of noise. SURE, in its own respect; it's MUSIC. I'm sure Paganini could've written music(??) like that but chose to retain SOME of his dignity.
"BASHING", I feel, would be a more appropriate term if people were making judgmental comments about the PERSON based on what he chooses to perform/produce. If one voices a comment or an opinion that a PARTICULAR score is not interesting (or what have you), I wouldn't see THAT as "bashing" a player??
(If THAT's what people were doing, I don't think it's fair.)
I heard that "Secret-Mr. Cucumber" (same cats playing?? I dunno'?), but there's obviously content that most experienced musicians would find to possess a redeeming quality, no?? (even though a few vioce-leadings in the faster sections f*q'd w/my lower intestine) These cats are certainly no Grimmies', Daddy-0'. They're like, Reeeal Solid-Senders.
Whatever "gets-yer'-rox'-off"! If more speed proves something to some cats, then it just DOES. The more experienced I became; the less I found SPEED being something that "turned-on" listeners. (Unless they were guitarists vying for a competition, with "something to prove"-!??)
If you plan on selling records, FIRST you must generally determine which audience you plan on ENTERTAINING?
If someone like the BOF-a-nator is playing to break a speed record, he/she has my best wishes, sincerely!
If they're SELLING RECORDS with that stuff'... I'll make my own noise, thank you...

Originally posted by Ego
yeah, like we already pointed out, it is and continues to be noise. Thanks for restating the obvious.
Sorry, my brother. I didn't know the thread was a closed invite??