Losing a (large) Number of Songs From Guitar Tricks

john of MT
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john of MT
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05/26/2023 4:59 pm
#20 Originally Posted by: elainne.graham

I've just returned after some months of not using the site to find my 'favorite' songs have disappeared and the library is really lacking. This is very disappointing, and has killed my motivation. I hope you do indeed have good plans for the future, if not it's unlikely that I will renew my subscription :( 


Also, I was really disappointed that Caren Armstrong's version of Runaway Train has been replaced by a different version from Mike Olekshy. What was the point in that? Obviously you still have the license for that song, so why delete her version? It was much better than the beginner one from the guy which has no strumming pattern to it. Can't you have both there?!!

Two versions of Runaway Train are probably enough, YMMV.

https://www.guitartricks.com/lesson/17732      https://www.guitartricks.com/tutorial/2793

"It takes a lot of devotion and work, or maybe I should say play, because if you love it, that's what it amounts to. I haven't found any shortcuts, and I've been looking for a long time."
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# 21
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05/27/2023 9:45 am
#21 Originally Posted by: john of MT

Two versions of Runaway Train are probably enough, YMMV.

https://www.guitartricks.com/lesson/17732      https://www.guitartricks.com/tutorial/2793

One is too easy and one is too hard. Caren Armstrong's was in the middle. Why delete what was already there?

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06/16/2023 4:39 pm
#19 Originally Posted by: Bobk42

I think what most people are requesting is getting the 330 songs back, but that'll never happen.  GT is no longer worth the price.

Agreed. They also handled this entire situation very poorly and pretty much just didn’t comment on anything when their users were asking questions or voicing their concerns. 

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07/06/2023 9:38 pm

Politicians. Rest assured? Understand? Strive? Not really answering the questions of is GT really responding to actual song requests or just going after low hanging licensing and leaving the request page there to make us feel like we have some sway.

# 24
William MG
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07/06/2023 11:17 pm

Could this be an AI generated response from a bot? I don't know much about these things but it is well worded.

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# 25
john of MT
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john of MT
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07/07/2023 3:27 am
#25 Originally Posted by: William MG

Could this be an AI generated response from a bot? I don't know much about these things but it is well worded.

Yup.  None of us write that gud!  šŸ˜

"It takes a lot of devotion and work, or maybe I should say play, because if you love it, that's what it amounts to. I haven't found any shortcuts, and I've been looking for a long time."
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# 26
Idle strummer
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07/08/2023 7:42 pm
#2 Originally Posted by: Guitar Tricks Admin

We are sorry about the inconvience BrokenSolo. This was not the outcome we had hoped for either. We will continue to upload a new song each week, hopefully it is music you can enjoy! 

We know it's a bummer to see these songs go, but we have a lot planned for the site in the future. We hope you stick around to see it! 

Such a shame. Loss of so many great song lessons might ultimately be the end of Guitar Tricks in its current form. The remaining songs and the well structured tutorials will endure as a body of work, but GT might not be the ‘go to’ site for classic song lessons. What’s really annoying is the rather disingenuous ‘jam tomorrow’ line from GT admin, that great stuff is coming………without any details. The question now is GT value for money? I can see why some users interpret the situation as a scam, but I don’t think that’s correct. The reality is that the GT site is perhaps more suitable for beginners but not for more experienced guitarists who simply want great tutorials on classic rock tracks. I’ve stuck with it so far but being fobbed off with a steady stream of pretty obscure Rolling Stones songs is getting wearing.


# 27
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07/10/2023 1:58 am
#27 Originally Posted by: Idle strummer

Such a shame. Loss of so many great song lessons might ultimately be the end of Guitar Tricks in its current form. The remaining songs and the well structured tutorials will endure as a body of work, but GT might not be the ‘go to’ site for classic song lessons. What’s really annoying is the rather disingenuous ‘jam tomorrow’ line from GT admin, that great stuff is coming………without any details. The question now is GT value for money? I can see why some users interpret the situation as a scam, but I don’t think that’s correct. The reality is that the GT site is perhaps more suitable for beginners but not for more experienced guitarists who simply want great tutorials on classic rock tracks. I’ve stuck with it so far but being fobbed off with a steady stream of pretty obscure Rolling Stones songs is getting wearing.


The writing is on the wall, GT is definitely on a downward spiral, and I predict it's going to crash in the near future if they don't address whatever issue they have.  How is it worth it to anyone to keep paying for a membership when all you're getting is obscure Rolling Stones songs?  I actually feel bad for the instructors who have to make the lessons, but not bad enough to renew my subscription.

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07/10/2023 2:11 am
#2 Originally Posted by: Guitar Tricks Admin

We are sorry about the inconvience BrokenSolo. This was not the outcome we had hoped for either. We will continue to upload a new song each week, hopefully it is music you can enjoy! 

We know it's a bummer to see these songs go, but we have a lot planned for the site in the future. We hope you stick around to see it! 

You posted that almost four months ago, so what exactly is your plan?

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07/11/2023 1:12 pm

Anirbansbd, if you aren’t an AI bot, you missed a good chance. 

# 30
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07/20/2023 7:43 pm

My advice to everyone, since this site is not responding to everyone’s concerns. Try TrueFire  guitar site. They just merged with JamPlay and now have so much material that this site will never match.

# 31
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07/20/2023 11:39 pm
#31 Originally Posted by: ItisRael

My advice to everyone, since this site is not responding to everyone’s concerns. Try TrueFire  guitar site. They just merged with JamPlay and now have so much material that this site will never match.

The problem is they made it primarily true fire and ruined jam play, I just canceled my jamplay account after about 12 years with them. 

# 32
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07/21/2023 1:02 pm
#31 Originally Posted by: ItisRael

My advice to everyone, since this site is not responding to everyone’s concerns. Try TrueFire  guitar site. They just merged with JamPlay and now have so much material that this site will never match.

That's good advice to everyone. By coincidence my TrueFire membership just renewed today.  Truthfully, I haven't been using Truefire all that much even though I've been a member for a number of years.  I actually thought about cancelling that subscription in favor of keeping Guitar Tricks but after losing so many songs over the years and, as you stated, not responding to everyone's concerns I cancelled my subscription to GT instead.  GT's lack of a real explanation was my deciding factor.  

# 33
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07/21/2023 1:24 pm

You seem to have removed ALL Grateful Dead songs, including ones I was part way through learning. Please explain what is going on.

# 34
john of MT
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07/21/2023 4:06 pm
#34 Originally Posted by: julian.gibson

You seem to have removed ALL Grateful Dead songs, including ones I was part way through learning. Please explain what is going on.

It doesn't answer the question and I'm not certain, but I think any songs by the Dead have been gone for years.  None were removed in this April's loss of songs.

EDIT:  Ooops!   I looked up "Grateful Dead", not "The Grateful Dead".  Four songs by The Grateful Dead were removed four months ago (beginning of April).  

My bad.  Most likely won't be the last one.

"It takes a lot of devotion and work, or maybe I should say play, because if you love it, that's what it amounts to. I haven't found any shortcuts, and I've been looking for a long time."
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07/21/2023 4:28 pm

I,m a member to here plus JamPlay and TrueFire. The lessons from JamPlay are moving over to TrueFire. I see many and was told that they all will be available. Even my bonus packs that JamPlay used to give out for renewals are there. Once my subscription here ends there will be no renewal and now I can drop the JamPlay. Just saved a bundle of money.

# 36
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07/21/2023 10:33 pm
#34 Originally Posted by: julian.gibson

You seem to have removed ALL Grateful Dead songs, including ones I was part way through learning. Please explain what is going on.

Sorry to hear that Julian - I think all of us got hit with something we were working on or a song we wanted to get to someday - The 4 Dead songs they had…Truckin’ / Touch of Grey/ Casey Jones and Friend of the Devil were all included on the massive song dump from this past April - they had done a previous massive song dump, just 2 years prior, which included the likes of Jimi Hendrix, The Who, Boston and many other great guitar bands, so learn them while you can!  Truefire has some great lesson on Friend of the Devil and a couple of other ones Scarlet Begonias and Franklin’s Tower if that helps :/

# 37
William MG
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07/21/2023 11:57 pm
#36 Originally Posted by: ItisRael

I,m a member to here plus JamPlay and TrueFire. The lessons from JamPlay are moving over to TrueFire. I see many and was told that they all will be available. Even my bonus packs that JamPlay used to give out for renewals are there. Once my subscription here ends there will be no renewal and now I can drop the JamPlay. Just saved a bundle of money.

I looked at Jam Play. Am I missing something here. No AC DC,  Kiss? ZZ Top doesn't have La Grange? The Stones? Seems pretty limited. Are there songs and artists beyond what they show on the website?


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# 38
William MG
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07/22/2023 12:48 pm
#38 Originally Posted by: William MG

I looked at Jam Play. Am I missing something here. No AC DC,  Kiss? ZZ Top doesn't have La Grange? The Stones? Seems pretty limited. Are there songs and artists beyond what they show on the website?


So I spent my morning practice hour digging into Jam Play and at least a part of the song catalogue as posted on its website (see link above). If there is a broader catalogue somewhere please share.

And this was not to support either JP or GT, I support several learning sites such as True Fire which was mentioned as combining with JP? I wasn't aware of this.

So here is the analysis for Artist listed under "A" ( I wasn't going to spend my entire day going through both catalogues)

Jam Play lists 30 songs - Guitar Tricks lists 33 songs - pretty close.

But it is the make up of those songs and the artist that I think needs closer scrutiny. Jam Play lists artist such as "Animals as Leaders" - I actually know this band, "Arsis" and "Atreyu". I had to look these last 2 up. All of these bands can play. No question. But in the business of music - and music is a business - how does the cost to license their work stand up to a band like AC DC? The answer, which only takes a little bit of research time to discover - is that it doesn't compare. Frankly these 3 bands would be thrilled to be listed in a song catalogue just for the exposure. 

So, to each his own and we all spend our money how we choose and musical taste differ. But I don't think broad stroke comparisons like number of songs or even artists tells the full story. There will be people who love Arsis and can't stand AC DC for example. But I think the market swings towards the latter.

And then I looked at what I would consider foundational stuff for someone hooked on guitar and maybe to be fair of a certain age - I grew up in the 70s. Chuck Berry, The Stones, Kiss, Elvis, Zepplin, Van Halen. 

Anyway, full disclosure, this is probably my last month with GT for a while. Not because of the song catalogue - I still think it's great. But because I have begun a study of SRV with a local teacher and it is taking up all my practice time. Although having said that, I needed a break the other night and dug into ARS's "I am so into you" and got that down the same night which was a nice break from SRV.

PS: I don't know why the website does this, but way down below I pasted a copy of my overview by artist and site. Just scroll to the bottom.

216On The LineYesNo
38 SpecialBack where you belongYesNo
AC DCBack in blackNoYes
AC DCDirty deeds done dirt cheapNoYes
AC DCHells bellsNoYes
AC DCHighway to hellNoYes
AC DCHighway to hell made easyNoYes
AC DCYou shook me all night longNoYes
AC DCYou shook me all night long made easyNoYes
Al JolsonAvalonNoYes
Alan JacksonDon't rock the juke boxYesNo
Alan JacksonIts 5 oclock somewhereYesNo
Alan JacksonIts time you learned about goodbyeYesNo
Alan JacksonThree minute positive not too country uptempo love songYesNo
Albert CollinsI ain't drunkNoYes
Alice CooperNo more mr nice guyNoYes
Alice CooperSchools outNoYes
Alice in ChainsMan in the boxNoYes
Alien ant farmMoviesNoYes
Allman BrothersBlue SkyYesNo
Allman BrothersRamblin ManYesNo
AmericaA horse with no nameYesNo
AmericaDon't cross the riverNoYes
AmericaLonely peopleYesNo
AmericaSister golden hairNoYes
AmericaTin manYesYes
AmericaVentura HighwayYesYes
Andy JamesJam play shredYesNo
Animals as LeadersCAFOYesNo
Animals as LeadersOn ImpulseYesNo
Animals as LeadersThe price of everything and the value of nothingYesNo
Animals as LeadersThoroughly at homeYesNo
Anita CochraneGirls like fast carsYesNo
Aretha FranklinI say a little prayerYesNo
Ariana GrandeThank u nextYesNo
Arlo GuthrieAlice's restaurantYesYes
Arlo GuthrieComing into Los AngelesNoYes
Arlo GuthrieThe motorcycle songNoYes
ArsisA diamond for diseaseYesNo
ArsisThe face of my innocentYesNo
ArsisThe promise of neverYesNo
ArsisWorship depravedYesNo
Atlanta Rhythm SectionSo into youNoYes
Atlanta Rhythm SectionSpookyNoYes
AtreyuBecoming the bullYesNo
AtreyuCongregation of the damnedYesNo
AtreyuStorm to passYesNo
AtreyuYou were the king now you're unconciousYesNo
Avenged SevenfoldBat countyNoYes
Avenged SevenfoldUnholy confessionsNoYes
The AlarmSold me down the riverNoYes
The Allman BrothersJessicaNoYes
The Allman BrothersLittle MarthaNoYes
The Allman BrothersRamblin manNoYes
The Allman BrothersStatesboro bluesNoYes
The AnimalsBring it on home to meNoYes
The AnimalsThe house of the rising sunNoYes
The AnimalsWe gotta get out of this placeNoYes



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07/31/2023 12:37 pm

R you one of them thar AI bots?

# 40

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