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Joined: 01/08/08
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Joined: 01/08/08
Posts: 65
07/10/2023 1:58 am
#27 Originally Posted by: Idle strummer

Such a shame. Loss of so many great song lessons might ultimately be the end of Guitar Tricks in its current form. The remaining songs and the well structured tutorials will endure as a body of work, but GT might not be the ‘go to’ site for classic song lessons. What’s really annoying is the rather disingenuous ‘jam tomorrow’ line from GT admin, that great stuff is coming………without any details. The question now is GT value for money? I can see why some users interpret the situation as a scam, but I don’t think that’s correct. The reality is that the GT site is perhaps more suitable for beginners but not for more experienced guitarists who simply want great tutorials on classic rock tracks. I’ve stuck with it so far but being fobbed off with a steady stream of pretty obscure Rolling Stones songs is getting wearing.


The writing is on the wall, GT is definitely on a downward spiral, and I predict it's going to crash in the near future if they don't address whatever issue they have.  How is it worth it to anyone to keep paying for a membership when all you're getting is obscure Rolling Stones songs?  I actually feel bad for the instructors who have to make the lessons, but not bad enough to renew my subscription.