Originally posted by Uncle Istvan:
I don't like 7-strings, they seem kinda trendy to me...
I know you weren't trying to be rude when you said that Istvan, and I'm not trying to flame you when I say this:
Let's think about this for a second. How many strings on a guitar do you have to choose from? Well, I've seen a six string, a seven string, and even a five string. With that in mind, either way you go, technically speaking, you will be trendy by choosing your guitar because of only having three options to go with. In most cases only 2 (only have seen one five string in a guitar store before). Also, my intention when buying this guitar was not to play Korn and Limp Bizkit on it. It was to take it to a totally different place that I couldn't go with a standard six string, just like Vai did. Just wanted to make sure everyone knew I'm not
"trendy" as said before.
I'm off like a herd of turtles in the moonlight!
Ain't nothin' but a Gear thang, baby!