Hey ricaurtegoti.
I have a Fender Mustang II V.2 myself, and I can only recommend it. It doesn't exactly have a tone of its own, but it does a very good job of copying that of more famous amp-models. It comes with 24 built-in presets (or 100 if you buy the IV or V), and you can change those presets if you want to. My Mustang II came with 8 readily accessible amp-models, that you can choose from with the turn of a knob. Connect the amp to a PC/Mac with Fender FUSE, and you unlock the amp's full potential. You get access to a bunch of extra amp-models, and the ability to add effects and adjust pretty much every parameter of those effects. It's pretty powerful, to say the least. For increased versatility when it comes to tone, you can even choose what kind of speaker-cabinet you want it to emulate! And yes, there's a difference between the different cabinets...
One thing that you should be aware of before buying, is that the Mustang I and Mustang II
do not have a Middle knob! If you plan on adjusting your tone with a computer or laptop, no problem. Fender FUSE adds the Middle knob. You just don't have the physical knob. Why the hell Fender didn't put the Middle knob on the V2 series eludes me...
But enough about that. Let's look at the 8 readily available presets (note that when I say "readily available", I mean the ones you can access by turning the Preset-knob the moment you take it out of the box for the first time):
'57 Deluxe: A very good attempt at copying the sound of an old '57 Fender Deluxe or '65 Fender Deluxe Reverb (the preset has some Delay and Reverb, making it sound more like the latter than the first). I use it almost all of the time, especially with my Les Paul. If you want the sound of a classic, Tube Overdriven Fender Amp, this preset will give you plenty of mileage.
'59 Bassman: Another classic Fender-amp, the '59 Fender Bassman. I don't know a lot about this preset, since I don't really use it. Compared to a real Bassman, it gets pretty close to the real thing. Still, I prefer the brighter '57 Deluxe.
'65 Twin Reverb: Yet another classic. The '65 Fender Twin Reverb is basically a cleaner version of the '57 Deluxe/'65 Deluxe Reverb. Sounds the same, just clean.
British '60s: Now we're moving away from the Vintage Fender Amp Models for a while. The British '60s preset sounds very similar to a lightly overdriven Vox AC30. It seems to be dialed right at the point of break-up when I use my SG, which I consider to be very nice. It does get
very harsh when you turn up the Treble and Gain too much, though. I usually like to have plenty of Treble, but this model gives me too much!
British '80s: Yes, I know, it should've been "British '70s", but that model is only in Fender FUSE (I'm guessing it's because the '80s amp just sounds better in every way). The British '80s model is exactly what you'd expect. It's the sound of a classic Marshall like the ones all the big bands in the 80's used, like a cranked JCM800 or Plexi. If you're into '80s Rock and Metal, this preset can easily give you the tone you're looking for. Heck, this amp can handle '70s stuff like AC/DC just fine as well.
American '90s: I have nothing to compare this amp-model to, since I don't listen to or play Grunge or '90s stuff in general. You're pretty much on your own here :)
Super-Sonic: The only readily available amp-model without a number in its name! It's a quite accurate reproduction of Fender's attempt at making a High-Gain amplifier, the Fender Super-Sonic. In this case, the preset mimics the Burn channel on the Super-Sonic (makes plenty of sense, since the Clean channel on the Super-Sonic was a copy of the '65 Fender Twin Reverb...). It has gain, and lots of it. It has a special High-Gain Distortion sound, that I can't get with my High-Gain Distortion pedal. If you want the Fender-tone, but also want plenty of Gain, this preset might be able to get you there.
Metal 2000: Now, we're talking High-Gain Distortion. Where the Super-Sonic has a sort of Vintage High-Gain sound, the Metal 2000 has a much more modern sound. It's probably the closest thing you can get to a Mesa-Boogie amplifier on a budget. It can sound very heavy, but when you turn down the volume-knob on your guitar, it usually cleans up somewhat well (not as good as the lower-gain amp models, though). Tone-wise, it reminds me of a mix between a Mesa-Boogie and an Engl. If you want a more modern Metal-tone, this preset should be a good place to start.
This list should give you a basic understanding of what each of the 8 readily available models sounds like. In my personal experience, the amp can cover most situations and it has served my needs just fine when jamming with other musicians. It also has a headphone jack, an AUX input for connecting an MP3 player or phone or whatever so you can jam along to backing tracks and your favorite songs. Also, it doubles as an Audio Interface and comes with Ableton Live 8 Lite, which can be used for recording your own music and producing your own backing-tracks (there's a steep learning curve, but it's manageable).
The only short-coming I've noticed so far is that it doesn't always sound as warm as the amps it's trying to emulate. But if you're looking for a very versatile practice-amp that can do pretty much any genre you could think of, this amp is worth trying out. Of course, always try an amp for a while before making a final decision.
Of course, that's just my opinion on this amp. I hope it helps just a bit :)
"Commit yourself to what you love, and things will happen."
- Mika Vandborg, Electric Guitars, "Follow Your Heart"
Chateau PS-10 Cherry Power-Strat
Epiphone G-400 LTD 1966 Faded Worn Cherry
Epiphone Les Paul 100 Ebony (w/ Oil City Pickups Scrapyard Dog PLUS pickups)
Epiphone ES-345 Cherry
Fender 2014 Standard Stratocaster Sunburst
Martin DX1K Acoustic
Fender Mustang II Amplifier
Jet City Amplification JCA22H Tube-head and JCA12S+ cabinet