Thanks For reply's ,
I figured out why I didn't see the other scale exercises. I haven't gotten their yet. Not to mention my attention span for sitting here watching vids and reading is poor to say the least lol. I got hung up on ch. 8 of rock primer 1 the hook,and have just practiced what I know and played songs until I browsed around and found the minor pentatonic box exercises. when I played around with it and came up with some sappy bluesy sounding stuff I got a little fired up and been on a mission of working scales.
Chris I browsed thru the links U posted and it was what I was looking for. I'll think I'll jump ahead a bit and come back to the hook.
Oh ya I knew 3 of the major shapes and didn't know it. I have also realized that if I play an A natural minor starting on the 5 fret of the 6th string 3 notes per string, and not play the first 2 notes it becomes a C major (if I'm correct)
Every scale works this way on the guitar.
Learn the fretboard shape and move it around to start the root note on all 12 musical alphabet letters (A - G#) and you can play all 12 major scales with the same shape. Or minor scales, pentatonic major, pentatonic minor, or harmonic minor, etc.
Make sense?
Yes It makes since I just forgot which 2 notes don't have a sharp. I should Probably print out a pic of a keyboard.