What ever happened to the guitar solo???

The concept in western music is shifting. 60s were a good example of this, Hendrix' idea of longer tracks, Miles Davis experimenting with longer more meditative hypnotic tracks. The people thought they were onto something new, new ideas from old if you consider sitar music has been doing these concepts and more for centuries. We think of the 40's,60's,70s, a long time ago, classic rock; however it is only a flash in the pan, 50 years is nothing in evolutionary terms. Stringed instruments have been around for thousands of years, we are only part of the puzzle, and all can do the part asigned to us. So my point is great soloing will return like a screaming comet soon enough.
# 1

Basically one series of words will devise my master answer: consumer market research, or as i like to call it commercialism, fake rap and talentless vocalists have hit the stage and sadly enough became popular, therefore depleting the reason to make a crowd go wild with a litle talent, man, songs today don't even require the knowledge of scales to learn them, they are basic, but hopefully we can look at this as going back to the basis of guitar playing so that we may redifine and shape what we knew as guitar yesterday
# 2

# 3

the act of playing music is pure joy for me. I play the music that honestly entertains and inspires me, thats the pay. There are only a small number of players in the lime light at one time, why should that dictate what anyone feels. Who cares, you don't have to be in the lights of corperations to be a brilliant musician and enjoy yourself, publish your own work, set up your own jams. Remember popular music is only a very small minority of all that there is. When I started to play what honestly was "me", without trying to be something else and enjoying the pure process of it all, things started to fall into place and people respected that. People respect honesty, even if it is a little ruff around the edges.
# 4

# 5

Originally posted by Big_Chief
Basically one series of words will devise my master answer: consumer market research, or as i like to call it commercialism, fake rap and talentless vocalists have hit the stage and sadly enough became popular, therefore depleting the reason to make a crowd go wild with a litle talent, man, songs today don't even require the knowledge of scales to learn them, they are basic, but hopefully we can look at this as going back to the basis of guitar playing so that we may redifine and shape what we knew as guitar yesterday
Big Chief,
Check out a rapper named Michael Franti,and the group, Disposable Heroes of hip-hoprisy. He is One of the most incredible lyricists I have ever heard. He makes "rap- Poetry" dealing with social issues, but told in a highly metaphorical way. He is a genius. I think you'd like him.
# 6

regardless of the change in musical interests, why buy a gibson to play power cords? why buy a marshall tube?, a digitech gnx2?, hell u buy good enough equipment and it basically does it for you, I am no Zach Wylde, or Jimi Hendrix, I have been playing for a year, nuthin big, oh and if anyone has any tips tricks scales of key explanations I would be more than delighted to see them, but anyways, bands like rage were crawling with talent militance and education, I Idolize that band, and enjoy their work, but to top it off, the solo needs to be reborn, it is essential to all guitarists to have a little more showman-ship than gold chains and good looks.
# 7

we are educating the masses, as artists that is our "job"; pack mentality is very base ie; violence, attitude, ego, aggression, assimilation, sex(all of wich usually stems from a species insecurity and need to band weak members of a tribe for security and safety). Most artless rap is gang assimilation music-war chant- pack mentality. When an animal lacks the ability to think it's way around a problem, it usually resorts to violence to get it's way. Untalented musicians use powerfull ego displays and curt lyrics to convince "spineless" members of a tribe that they are hip.
# 8

Originally posted by nechako
we are educating the masses, as artists that is our "job"; pack mentality is very base ie; violence, attitude, ego, aggression, assimilation, sex(all of wich usually stems from a species insecurity and need to band weak members of a tribe for security and safety). Most artless rap is gang assimilation music-war chant- pack mentality. When an animal lacks the ability to think it's way around a problem, it usually resorts to violence to get it's way. Untalented musicians use powerfull ego displays and curt lyrics to convince "spineless" members of a tribe that they are hip.
Most "Gangsta" Rappers have grown up in and lived under conditions that you and I will never comprehend, Drug addiction,Drive-by shootings,Crime,Gangs,Prostitution,AIDS.Physical + Mental Abuse,Broken Families.And the people that are supposed to "help" them (the Police) usually turn a blind Eye.When They talk about violence, it is a product of their world. Do them "glamorize" it? Sure they do. But Is it any different than The way nations glamourize war, and Their own Military forces?
# 9

First of, a bid "Touchez" goes to those that have brought about the sometimes foalse magnitude of a solo, but think, guys like ted nugent and zakk wylde can set the emotion of a room by playing a long solo, it isn't so much as showman-ship in the solos but more or less the ability to invoke emotion to a room of listeners, I love guitar, i treat my Godin Radiator like it's me son, I feel lonely wjen it's not in the some room as i am, none of these new guitarists can possibly feel this way, it's passion that guitar players lack, the more passionate you are, the better and cooler your riffs and solos will sound, that's what it is
Kory Gallipeau
Kory Gallipeau
# 10

and to reply to snimbkar, I have lived no more different than what you have described, and rap, real rap in its truest form to me, is a coulpe of guys around a burning barrel in some ghetto passing beats and lyrics back and forth with their mouth
# 11

Originally posted by Big_Chief
and to reply to snimbkar, I have lived no more different than what you have described, and rap, real rap in its truest form to me, is a coulpe of guys around a burning barrel in some ghetto passing beats and lyrics back and forth with their mouth
You are entitled to your opinion and I respect that opinion. I used to find nothing redeeming in Rap. But then I stopped and actually listened closely. What I admire about rappers is their ability to take a sample and use it effectively, to create a new texture. They have to know which samples to use or else their song will crash and burn. Rap is no different than Metal in many respects, both were extremely controversial when they became 'mainstream', both dealt with sexism,violence,misogyny, drug use (Checkout how many Black Sabbath, Deep Purple songs are about drug use),although Rap tends to be far more graphic. Both form of music irritate parents , and came under fire from the Gov't (PMRC).
Many people won't call rap 'music' and rappers 'artists'. I think of them as chefs. Afterall, a chef doesn't 'invent' ingredients to a meal, he takes ingredients that already exist, mixes them creatively, and makes a gourmet meal, as does the rapper, if I can continue with the metaphor.
# 12

that thread was deleted due to the insults you kept throwing at others users skim!!
But I think that you can learn A LOT from nirvana in songwriting, even though you can't stand them!
But I think that you can learn A LOT from nirvana in songwriting, even though you can't stand them!
# 13

snimbkar, you do make a great point, with these "artists" being chefs, it is a great analogy, but nonetheless, would you like to write a song, have it become famous, then say I come in, take that song, spice it up more and get more credit and money than I actually deserve?, oh and if a man by the name of Bob Revell is reading this, reply to me, I'd love to talk and catch up since I left the some day chris did.
# 14

Originally posted by Big_Chief
snimbkar, you do make a great point, with these "artists" being chefs, it is a great analogy, but nonetheless, would you like to write a song, have it become famous, then say I come in, take that song, spice it up more and get more credit and money than I actually deserve?, oh and if a man by the name of Bob Revell is reading this, reply to me, I'd love to talk and catch up since I left the some day chris did.
They must get written permission from the original artists before they use their stuff,and the original artists get royalties, otherwise it's copyright infringement, lawsuits etc...That's the thing, the original artists don't seem to mind their stuff being used as in most cases, they are consenting.
# 15

True. But even in this day and age there are several examples of artists who use other artists' material without permission and pay no royalties. This happens quite frequently when an artist has passed away and someone starts using their material or their likeness. Many times the artist's family members never take legal action.
# 16

Originally posted by lalimacefolle
that thread was deleted due to the insults you kept throwing at others users skim!!
But I think that you can learn A LOT from nirvana in songwriting, even though you can't stand them!
Really I did! I couldn't get past the horrendous vocals (after being spoiled by Geoff Tate,Halford,Annie Lennox,Sinead,PJ Harvey etc..) His voice just grated on my nerves, and I couldn't take it. One artist that I try to study for songwriting tips is Elton John, Fabulous Songwriter and Excellent singer, and of course the master, John Lennon.
# 17

that's right his voice was more on the screaming side than on the singing... Elton does have a beautiful voice, and he has written fabulous songs. But for shear despair, Kurt was the best, you can hear harsh feelings in his voice.
# 18
Elton John writes the music. The lyrics are always written by Bernie Taupin.
# 19

I've always thought that 'Bernie TAUPIN' sounded like a cartoon character's name...
# 20