View post (What ever happened to the guitar solo???)

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Joined: 12/20/01
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Joined: 12/20/01
Posts: 6
01/08/2002 9:51 pm
First of, a bid "Touchez" goes to those that have brought about the sometimes foalse magnitude of a solo, but think, guys like ted nugent and zakk wylde can set the emotion of a room by playing a long solo, it isn't so much as showman-ship in the solos but more or less the ability to invoke emotion to a room of listeners, I love guitar, i treat my Godin Radiator like it's me son, I feel lonely wjen it's not in the some room as i am, none of these new guitarists can possibly feel this way, it's passion that guitar players lack, the more passionate you are, the better and cooler your riffs and solos will sound, that's what it is

Kory Gallipeau