View post (What ever happened to the guitar solo???)

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Joined: 12/31/01
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Senior Member
Joined: 12/31/01
Posts: 190
01/04/2002 6:14 pm
The concept in western music is shifting. 60s were a good example of this, Hendrix' idea of longer tracks, Miles Davis experimenting with longer more meditative hypnotic tracks. The people thought they were onto something new, new ideas from old if you consider sitar music has been doing these concepts and more for centuries. We think of the 40's,60's,70s, a long time ago, classic rock; however it is only a flash in the pan, 50 years is nothing in evolutionary terms. Stringed instruments have been around for thousands of years, we are only part of the puzzle, and all can do the part asigned to us. So my point is great soloing will return like a screaming comet soon enough.