It's not the one that I REALLY wanted though. There were two that I had my eyes on. Either the Ibanez GRG170DX Black and Metallic Silver Sunburst Set (japan model) that I'd have to talk/bribe relatives or friends into bringing along with them on the airplane when they visit or the Ibanez IJX121 Metal bundle.. but when I went to the store, they were out of black and only had silver on hand. The shop owner told me if I really wanted an ibanez he had one upstairs that was brand new with a scratch that he could give to me for $100, and we could make a bundle within $300 (the IJX121 was $299 for the black model). So he brought it down and it was the GRX20 (black). There was a scratch on the left side where the strap would go, but it didn't bother me so I said that I'd take it. I got an amp (Line 6 shark III 15) along with a tuner, strap, guitar stand, and gig bag for $300 and I've been back home messing around with everything. :D I'm so excited!
It's too bad that I'm an absolute beginner and only can play the simple chord groups that are in Chapter 3 of the absolute beginner lessons though. :( I'm proud to say though that my fingers on my left hand are now numb with blisters though! WOO-HOO! :p