View post (HOORAY!! My first guitar~~)

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Joined: 05/06/08
Posts: 33
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Joined: 05/06/08
Posts: 33
05/11/2008 5:41 am
Hi light487! Thank you so much for your reply and encouragement! I really appreciate it!

Originally Posted by: light487Good luck with your experimenting.. I reckon at least 75% of playing guitar is about experimenting.. if not more. All that matters is that you are enjoying yourself, period. My latest experiment has been with using a different voicing/inversion of the E Major chord (and consequently a new barre chord to add to my list of tools)... Now that I have a decent pinky finger strength from all my hours of scales practise, I am able to easily fret the following barre chord:
4 5 6 7 8
That barre chord blew me away when I looked at it!! I just tried it by myself and WOW I don't know how your fingers could stretch that far! 3+4 was very difficult. I guess I need 17 more years to be able to do it? :)

Wow experimentation. I don't think I'm at that point at all yet lol. I wonder how much longer until I'll be able to experiment like that on my own. I actually only seriously started to learn only a few days ago, so I've still got a long way to go unfortunately. :o