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Joined: 07/14/07
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Forum Administrator
Joined: 07/14/07
Posts: 849
05/11/2008 5:27 am
only can play the simple chord groups

Only?? You'd be surprised how many songs you can play with the "basic chords".. with just 3 chords you can play 1000's of songs.

Congrats on the new guitar.. That's what I would have done too.. despite the scratch, I still would have got the one I actually wanted.. later on, once you are more sure of yourself in staying with guitar, you can always buy another more expensive guitar that is "perfect".. I still don't have a perfect guitar even after 17 years.. but the one I play the most is near enough for my needs. I get complimented about both my electric and acoustic every time someone new hears them.. sometimes even the same people remind me how much they love the tone of them..

Good luck with your experimenting.. I reckon at least 75% of playing guitar is about experimenting.. if not more. All that matters is that you are enjoying yourself, period. My latest experiment has been with using a different voicing/inversion of the E Major chord (and consequently a new barre chord to add to my list of tools)... Now that I have a decent pinky finger strength from all my hours of scales practise, I am able to easily fret the following barre chord:

4 5 6 7 8

Basically it is barred version of the open C chord. If I play the bottom-E string, then I am able to add a Major 3rd bass note to the chord (so you end up with a chord that is 3-1-3-5), and if I don't play the bottom-E string then I have an E Major chord (1-3-5). The standard open E Major shape looks like this:

0 1 2 3 4

Which is 1-5-1-3.. a different order of the notes.. therefore it sounds slightly different when played. Anyway.. don't worry too much if you don't understand anything I am talking about.. just that I have been playing for 17 years and I am still finding out things I never knew but only through experimenting, playing different styles that I wouldn't normally play, and talking with other musicians (not just guitarists) etc
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