" "this tone ain't workin for me" is the first thing a guitar player says when he hasn't done his homework"- Bob Rock
lookin for my first tube amp

ok this is my first tube amp purchas but idon't want to make the mistake of buying somthing mediocore,I want to know what your opinions are one what is the greatest tube head around offering great diversity within, and is under $2000 canadian. key pionts i need are ability to get extreme not modern but extreme gain decent clean and minimum hum/noise. I hope this isn't too tough a question for it is my fist thread. :o
# 1

Do you want a head/cab or combo?
Electric Guitars are the inspiration for cries of "Turn that damn thing down"-Gibson website
# 2
Since you're here in Canada, check out the Traynor amps from Yorkville. They don't have extreme gain on their own, but they do sound very good, sell for a very decent price, and the money you save will get you any kind of distortion stompbox you want for those extreme occaisions.
# 3

My suggestion is to stay away from amps that claim to do it all, unless your willing to do all at less then best results. Pick a genre you like and go and buy a head that is well suited, im not saying go buy a single channel raging amp that only has one setting, i am saying buy am amp for the charactertisc, and look for added benefits of a clean drive or overdrive etc. I have a the traynor that LOTS is talking about, its definitly safe. If i could do it again, which subsequently i am doing now...i would be a rock head and a clean head, not try to get one for both. But hey, there might be other things involved, for instances coverbands are gonna need some versitile stuff, or if your on the move, a light amp would be benefitial. For 2 grand CAD its entirly possible to get a really good dist. amp and really good. clean amp, or good heavy metal amp or what ever if you go the used route. If your the kinda guy who feels he needs all flavours go digital amps but dont espect to get 100 000 grand worht in sounds from a units thats 700 dollers.
WWSD? What would stevie do?
# 4

I guess i shouldhave been a littlemore clearabout my wants and ive narrowed it down to what should i look into for a thrash metal tone outof the box with no external effects accept maybe chorus and wah to accompany the distortion, I am dead set on it being all tube however this i know im tired of the lack of character my 212 solidsate has I am also tired of using a metalzone it just feels like a heartless tease when compared to what I know i could get from a great amp.so( thrash metal tone is the key point i guess). :D Also i forgot to mention that i would preferably get a head and cab however it does depend on how i like somthing when i try it thats the part that counts right.
" "this tone ain't workin for me" is the first thing a guitar player says when he hasn't done his homework"- Bob Rock
# 5

try the rivera knucklehead. Mesa has the triple rec but its too chugga chugga for me...i like it tight.
WWSD? What would stevie do?
# 6

Check Ebay for a Marshall JCM900 or JCM2000 combo. Also, check out the Krank combos, Mesa MarkIV. I haven't played a Genz-Benz but I've heard really goo things about them. If you're looking for extreme heavy gain... JCM, Krank, and Mesa are your best bets... good luck finding one under 2 grand though.
# 7
Originally Posted by: Poleratry the rivera knucklehead. Mesa has the triple rec but its too chugga chugga for me...i like it tight.
Nice call on the Rivera.
I'd also check out a Peavey 5150. I've got the combo version and love it to bits! Between the two gain options on the rythm channel, and the hot lead channel, I can't find a tone yet that I can't achieve. You also might want to look into a Splawn, Roccaforte, Bogner, and Engl.
There's an amp out there for you. You just have to be patient, do some research, and by all means, try out as many amps as you can. Happy tone hunting!
# 8

Originally Posted by: PRSplayaNice call on the Rivera.
I'd also check out a Peavey 5150. I've got the combo version and love it to bits! Between the two gain options on the rythm channel, and the hot lead channel, I can't find a tone yet that I can't achieve.
The 5150, now called the 6505 is really great, it was Eddie Van Halens signiture model, and then after he left Peavey endorsement it became the 6505.
It is also the amp used in studio by bands like In Flames (I know a few others do or used to, but I know for sure that In Flames' Bjorn and Jesper both used 5150's for allot of their records).
I am also in the market for a nice amp ( I already own a Laney tube amp that is awesome, but just not what I need right now)...and the only amp I could find to beat the 5150 is, strangely enough, an Ibanez thermion Tn120...its full tube, and if I am correct runs 4 6L6 power tubes and 5 12ax7 pre-amp tubes...all tubes are Ruby Tubes as stock, and the 4x12 cab is loaded with Celestion vinatge 30's. Its crazy that such a nice amp should be made by Ibanez, but its true, their first tube amp, and its amazing!
I have the cash for mine, but I am just looking about a tiny bit more before I buy...but (and you can ask these dudes, esp. Playa...I have been raving about this amp since I first saw it, and I think its the one...if I havent changed my mind in a week I am gonna place my order).
Good luck man...Soldano also make some awesome amps...not sure what they cost in Canada tho...also worth a look is the Vht Pitt bull.
earlier someone mentioned a Genz-Benz...I tried an El Diablo half stack, and it sounds pants, I cant believe people actually pay money for such awful amps...the worst tube amp I ever played
[FONT=Century Gothic]Hope is when we feel the pain that makes us try again[/FONT]
# 9

Quick question, if you've got a tube amp and u've got plenty of digital effects pedals, does it defeat the purpose of having a tube amp in the first place? or does a tube amp make a digital effects pedals sound a lot nicer? I'm thinking for my next amp i'm going to buy it on quality rather then the ammount of inbuilt effects so i want to know if it's worth buying a tube amp if i'm screwing around with tonnes of digital fx pedals.
# 10
As long as the digital stuff is before the tubes you'll be fine. The tubes will still warm up the digitalness of the pedals. They might be digital pedals, but they're still going to be sending an analogue signal to the amp.
# 11

Laney is good too but I guess it depends on whether you have a dealer nearby. the laney LC 30 markII is what I'm considering and it seems really good from what I've heard (from others..I haven't heard it myself yet). Apparently it has a great clean..but the drive channel wouldn't be enough for what you're asking but if you have a pedal..I guess you have no problem..check it out..they should be about $800 or something
# 12