Originally Posted by: MSF06I was just sittin around thinking about the notes on the fretboard and started to wonder, "Why do the note go F, F#/Gb, G, etc, etc, etc?"
Can someone explain why there are two names for some of the note on the same fret? Why would you write Gb rather then just say F#? I do not see it making a difference since the notes are technically the same, only a different name.
My theory has not been that great and I am now stating to get into it and this question has been buggin' me.
okay lets take a close look at that E string.
(note)b means that note is flat, and (note)# means that note is sharp.
there are 2 ways to say the notes on that string:
there is no difference in the sharps and flats.
F# = Gb because...
if you have F, and you go one step higher, you still have an F sound, but its Sharper. it sounds between how an F would sound and how a G would sound.
also, if you have G, and you go one step lower, you still have the G sound, but its flatter,or lower, if you know what i mean. it sounds as if its between F and G so its called an F# and a G flat. you can say F#, or you can say G flat, it doesnt make any difference because F# = Gb (Flat). A high F = a low G.
sharps and flats are the same thing really, it just matters what note you think of it as. F or G, G or A, A or B, C or D, D or E.
the only notes that dont have #/b between them are E and F, B and c.
hope this helped, i made it as simple as possible. you should study a
little more *music theory* (like actually learning to read notation instead of
tab) and it will all make sense. music theory was originally meant for notation
for it is best taught that way.
Originally Posted by: schmangeugly fat chicks