People who steal
should die a slow painfull death 

# 1

I have no use for thiefs! They are the lowest life form, they shouldn't die, they should suffer the torture they impose on others!
Besides that I'm having a great day :D
Besides that I'm having a great day :D
# 2
I feel for ya man. More so than missing the item in question, what pisses me off the most is the feeling of getting violated.
Blues is easy to play, but hard to feel.
My YouTube Profile
My YouTube Profile
# 3
yeah, it's mainly the fact that that nasty sorry ass scum was in my freakin house!
# 4

worst of all they think, theyr clever than fair n untainted people. :mad:
thats why i hate them twice!
thats why i hate them twice!
[FONT=Verdana]rest in heavenly peace lil' fox...[/FONT]
# 5

That sucks man! at least they didnt mess with the guitars. Just today, my girlfriends car got broken into - smashed the back window and stole all of her cds. Damn bastards!
# 6
I used to steal things... when I was, like, 10. I regret every last bit of it. The guilt afterwards that I still to this day carry doesn't let up and if I could go back... well... I wish I thought things through a bit more then rather than just jumping into action. The person who I was then is not someone that I'm particularly fond of. Though I do know what it's like to have things stolen and that in turn showed me what it was like for anyone who previously owned various things that I had taken. A lesson I had been waiting for, if you will. That being said, I'm sorry about your loss.
The Gods Made Heavy Metal, And They Saw That It Was Good
They Said To Play It Louder Than Hell, We Promised That We Would
Hulk Smash!!
Whatever you do, don't eat limes. A friend of mine ate a lime once and BAM!! Two years later. Herpes.
They Said To Play It Louder Than Hell, We Promised That We Would
Hulk Smash!!
Whatever you do, don't eat limes. A friend of mine ate a lime once and BAM!! Two years later. Herpes.
# 7
You know, some other cultures really know how to deal with thieves. Chop off a hand for the first violation and odds are, there won't be a second. Sorry to hear that one of these useless pukes decided to help themselves to your stuff.
If you do happen to catch one, before you call the police, remember, there's a cluster of nerves in the soft part of the arm pit. A nice swift strike with a finger or two will make them scream and wet themselves. THEN call the police.
Nothing like being led into the pen crying with wet pants. It sets a nice tone for their stay... :D
If you do happen to catch one, before you call the police, remember, there's a cluster of nerves in the soft part of the arm pit. A nice swift strike with a finger or two will make them scream and wet themselves. THEN call the police.
Nothing like being led into the pen crying with wet pants. It sets a nice tone for their stay... :D
[FONT=Tahoma]"All I can do is be me ... whoever that is". Bob Dylan [/FONT]
# 8
Dude... this is trippy... Earlier today at work I had a big conversation with a couple of coworkers about stealing.. I came home on break and saw this on the forum and I just got a call from a friend of mine saying that his girlfriend's truck was broken into. I'm going into safety hysteria here or something.
The Gods Made Heavy Metal, And They Saw That It Was Good
They Said To Play It Louder Than Hell, We Promised That We Would
Hulk Smash!!
Whatever you do, don't eat limes. A friend of mine ate a lime once and BAM!! Two years later. Herpes.
They Said To Play It Louder Than Hell, We Promised That We Would
Hulk Smash!!
Whatever you do, don't eat limes. A friend of mine ate a lime once and BAM!! Two years later. Herpes.
# 9

well PRS, that sucks man...I hate when things are stolen from me.
Got a new room mate a few weeks ago...he attempts to play guitar(I dont mean to sound like a dick, but how can someone be playing for 7 years and still be so ****?)
the wanker steals my plectrums...and I am very specific about my plectrums...it has to be 1.5mm Dunlops...I had a few, they went missing. I know he had none of them, but noticed he was playing with one...I asked if he had seen mine, he said no, promptly adding that the one he was using at that moment was HIS(liar). when I got home from work the next day, he had that one and another one...both of them chewed(so as to show me that they are his...even tho all his other plectrums aren't chewed...).
Now I have a few 12packs of my 1.5mm plectrums...only one of them is open now,and I count the remaining plectrums eveyday...
I know a plectrum is a petty thing, but I hate sitting down to play. only to find that all my picks are gone...
Got a new room mate a few weeks ago...he attempts to play guitar(I dont mean to sound like a dick, but how can someone be playing for 7 years and still be so ****?)
the wanker steals my plectrums...and I am very specific about my plectrums...it has to be 1.5mm Dunlops...I had a few, they went missing. I know he had none of them, but noticed he was playing with one...I asked if he had seen mine, he said no, promptly adding that the one he was using at that moment was HIS(liar). when I got home from work the next day, he had that one and another one...both of them chewed(so as to show me that they are his...even tho all his other plectrums aren't chewed...).
Now I have a few 12packs of my 1.5mm plectrums...only one of them is open now,and I count the remaining plectrums eveyday...
I know a plectrum is a petty thing, but I hate sitting down to play. only to find that all my picks are gone...
[FONT=Century Gothic]Hope is when we feel the pain that makes us try again[/FONT]
# 10
Originally Posted by: PonyOnelosing a hand for a few apples or a shovel... yeah, that's a fair trade.
people who steal suck though.
You're right. It's not a fair trade. Not by a long shot. But then again, taking something that clearly doesn't belong to you isn't fair either. It's always been my thought that if you want something, ask. You would be surprised how many people are actually decent human beings and will gladly give to help someone else out. The minute you cross the line and take something that isn't yours, consideration becomes secondary.
Then we can move along the ol' logic trail and say that you have to look at what is stolen to decide the degree and extent of punishment? Is stealing $5.00 from an elderly person on a fixed income less a crime than bilking some huge conglmerate out of a half a million dollars? It's theft. Plain and simple.
My reasoning for bringing up the removal of a hand for stealing is not along the eye for an eye theory. I think it's a pretty good deterent. I believe that people would be less inclined to steal if they knew if they were caught they would be given a permanent reminder of their crime.
But then again, I may be wrong about this. It is an antiquated way to do things.
[FONT=Tahoma]"All I can do is be me ... whoever that is". Bob Dylan [/FONT]
# 11

Originally Posted by: t_shirtsnjeansI have no use for thiefs!
Not many of us do....
but there are the occasional few...
There are only two important things in life - There's music and theres girls, not necessarily in that order....
The Ace's Guitar Tricks
The Ace's Guitar Tricks
# 12
Someone stole my bike when I was little. ****ing sterling park.
I recently stole a lip gloss at bath and body works that cost 10 dollars. I was like **** that ****, and I just dropped into my purse. I kind of feel guilty, but that is just a ridiculous price.
I recently stole a lip gloss at bath and body works that cost 10 dollars. I was like **** that ****, and I just dropped into my purse. I kind of feel guilty, but that is just a ridiculous price.
# 13
Three days after I moved to Canada somebody stole my bicycle from Yorkdale. Nice introduction to the country.
Then I found out my best friend was breaking into my place while I was at school. I found about 20 of my cassette tapes sitting in the dirt on the floor of his car once & wondered how they'd gotten there.
I had a party once and another so called friend turned around and my brand new set of strings was sticking out of his back pocket. Another friend stole a diamond ring. Another one stole some rare 1967 Chum Charts I'd had since I was a kid.
I put cameras everywhere now and bug my phone... have a little red light that goes on whenever somebody is using a phone in my house. I've got video cameras all around the house recording 24/7 with a battery backup in case the power goes out.
It sucks to be paranoid and spy on people but you can't trust anybody, especially when you've got studio equipment.
Then I found out my best friend was breaking into my place while I was at school. I found about 20 of my cassette tapes sitting in the dirt on the floor of his car once & wondered how they'd gotten there.
I had a party once and another so called friend turned around and my brand new set of strings was sticking out of his back pocket. Another friend stole a diamond ring. Another one stole some rare 1967 Chum Charts I'd had since I was a kid.
I put cameras everywhere now and bug my phone... have a little red light that goes on whenever somebody is using a phone in my house. I've got video cameras all around the house recording 24/7 with a battery backup in case the power goes out.
It sucks to be paranoid and spy on people but you can't trust anybody, especially when you've got studio equipment.
# 14

what you got to do is watch some of those home alone movies and set some traps
"We forgot to call Dylan" "Who the F*ck is Dylan?" "oh, I mean xDylanx" " oh yea we forgot to call him"
# 15
The way the law works these days, the person who broke in would be set free and you'd end up going to jail for assault.
# 16

Yeah...thieves are just like drummers...only a very small percentage of them are useful! and even then, oinly to a small percentage of non-drummers!
[FONT=Century Gothic]Hope is when we feel the pain that makes us try again[/FONT]
# 17
I can't stand it.... my house got broken into while I was sleeping upstairs. I nearly caught the guy, but not quite... had to stop as I'd got the broken glass from the window in my feet - couldn't chase him.
If I had caught him I probably would have killed him, so it's probably for the best I didn't manage it... I also had a guy try to mug me at knifepoint, but he didn't think he was so clever once I had the knife and was threatening to stab him! (I didn't by the way, although I did give him plenty to think about)
I live in hope that all these people get what they deserve... what upsets me really is that the police are so useless they'll never catch anyone, much less prosecute them and get them a sentence bad enough to act as a detterent.
For comedy, in the UK a while ago there was a news story about the police asking for help to find a guy who assaulted somebody in the POLICE STATION CARPARK! :eek: I mean.... what's the point?
If I had caught him I probably would have killed him, so it's probably for the best I didn't manage it... I also had a guy try to mug me at knifepoint, but he didn't think he was so clever once I had the knife and was threatening to stab him! (I didn't by the way, although I did give him plenty to think about)
I live in hope that all these people get what they deserve... what upsets me really is that the police are so useless they'll never catch anyone, much less prosecute them and get them a sentence bad enough to act as a detterent.
For comedy, in the UK a while ago there was a news story about the police asking for help to find a guy who assaulted somebody in the POLICE STATION CARPARK! :eek: I mean.... what's the point?
Check out my music, video, lessons & backing tracks here![br]https://www.renhimself.com
# 18

I moved to my present crib in January of this year, and a little while later some idiot broke in and stole my desktop speakers with a smallish but powerfulish woofer, a worldspace satelite receiver and cash. The idiot didn't think the computer itself was more valuable, so he left it behind.
Sucked big time. But it could have been worse (the PC).
Andrew SA, lose the roomie. I thought a roomie was supposed to be someone known to you and somewhat a friend. I guess in the UK things work differently, but here in Kenya no one is going to live in the same house with a complete stranger just to split the rent and utility bills. A room mate would have to be a pal, a former college or school mate, someone from your homw area, a cousin, that sort of thing. And of course you normally wouldn't expect the above mentioned persons to steal from you so blatantly. Normally.
Sucked big time. But it could have been worse (the PC).
Andrew SA, lose the roomie. I thought a roomie was supposed to be someone known to you and somewhat a friend. I guess in the UK things work differently, but here in Kenya no one is going to live in the same house with a complete stranger just to split the rent and utility bills. A room mate would have to be a pal, a former college or school mate, someone from your homw area, a cousin, that sort of thing. And of course you normally wouldn't expect the above mentioned persons to steal from you so blatantly. Normally.
# 19

Originally Posted by: AkiraNot in England, ho ho ho!
And yes, the Police are useless. My girlfriend got jumped by a gang of 6 people, she got beaten up. It was completly unprovoked, they tried making some crappy excuse "oh, you called me sister" or some crap like that, just any excuse to kick off at her. She went to the hospital to have her wounds looked at, then to the police station. The police said they would get back to her; they never did.
One of the reasons why I hate my town so much.
the police are absolute crap in this country...
i got mugged once when i was 14 walking down to the newsagents with a friend to get some sweets. this group of 4 15/16yr old guys crossed the road and started following us shouting abuse and throwing stones. we ignored them and carried on, but eventually got caught up and threatened till we gave them the money we had on us, which amounted to about £1.50 all together. then when we were trying to run away i had a bottle thrown at the back of my head which handily smashed and sent glass all down the back of my neck.
when we got to a phone and called the police they pretty much flat out refused to do anything... the woman i was talking to told us to go home and try and avoid going there on our own in future!!!!!
due to this (and a number of other incidences where friends and family have been involved) i have absolutly no sympathy for criminals of any kind. and it really pisses me off when i hear about them being given short sentences when they're robbed and beaten someone up because they've supposedly had "a hard life"...
i should stop there.... this might turn into an unstoppable rant! :rolleyes:
Elvis Lives (in my basement)
# 20