People who steal

Jolly McJollyson
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Jolly McJollyson
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07/14/2005 3:12 am
Originally Posted by: hunter60Then we can move along the ol' logic trail and say that you have to look at what is stolen to decide the degree and extent of punishment? Is stealing $5.00 from an elderly person on a fixed income less a crime than bilking some huge conglmerate out of a half a million dollars? It's theft. Plain and simple.

Well, not really. One's petty theft and the other is grand larceny, embezzlement, and probably fraud.
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# 1
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07/14/2005 3:50 am
cops are crap everywhere, this may sound stupid but i was with my friends and a cop went by and we waved to him and then one of my friends yells "I LOVE YOU" and the cop stopped and he threatened to kick our asses when he should be out actually stopping real crime hes probably a homophobe not that any of us were gay its just my friends a joker and decided to tell the cop he loves him.
"We forgot to call Dylan" "Who the F*ck is Dylan?" "oh, I mean xDylanx" " oh yea we forgot to call him"
# 2
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07/14/2005 4:04 am
Originally Posted by: Poontang_clancops are crap everywhere, this may sound stupid but i was with my friends and a cop went by and we waved to him and then one of my friends yells "I LOVE YOU" and the cop stopped and he threatened to kick our asses when he should be out actually stopping real crime hes probably a homophobe not that any of us were gay its just my friends a joker and decided to tell the cop he loves him.

I've always hated dealing with law enforcement in any way, shape, or form. But I've found the best method is to act exceedingly respectful (to the point of kissing ass), and most cops will let you by with a warning. I've gotten out of 2 speeding tickets that way!
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# 3
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07/14/2005 5:48 am
Originally Posted by: Poontang_clancops are crap everywhere, this may sound stupid but i was with my friends and a cop went by and we waved to him and then one of my friends yells "I LOVE YOU" and the cop stopped and he threatened to kick our asses when he should be out actually stopping real crime hes probably a homophobe not that any of us were gay its just my friends a joker and decided to tell the cop he loves him.

Yes, because the few cops you've delt with are a fair basis to judge the thousands upon thousands that you haven't.

Sorry, but that's exactly the sort of thing people use to justify racism, classism and virtually every other evil we can inflict upon our fellow man.

I've been around a fair amount, I know people from all ends of the spectrum and here is the truth of the matter:

There are a lot of well trained, professional, solid cops out there who have an honest desire to help people by doing their job well. And there are also a lot of assholes with a badge; sometimes it's due to incompetance, sometimes is just the end result of dealing with the worst humanity has to offer day in and day out -- it takes a horrible toll on any person.

And frankly, assumptions like the one you just made don't do anybody any justice, ever.

Typically, if you're respectful and honest (which may mean not saying EVERYTHING you're up to, but not lying about it either) with cops, they're a lot easier to deal with than if you're being rude and/or a smartass. And it doesn't much matter if you're being stopped in Sunset, Louisiana by a small, pear shaped man with a Napoleon complex who's looking for any minor excuse to write a ticket or by a Vermont State Trooper who just nailed you, dead to rights for going 20 miles over the speed limit.
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# 4
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07/14/2005 6:04 am
Originally Posted by: RaskolnikovYes, because the few cops you've delt with are a fair basis to judge the thousands upon thousands that you haven't.

Sorry, but that's exactly the sort of thing people use to justify racism, classism and virtually every other evil we can inflict upon our fellow man.

I've been around a fair amount, I know people from all ends of the spectrum and here is the truth of the matter:

There are a lot of well trained, professional, solid cops out there who have an honest desire to help people by doing their job well. And there are also a lot of assholes with a badge; sometimes it's due to incompetance, sometimes is just the end result of dealing with the worst humanity has to offer day in and day out -- it takes a horrible toll on any person.

And frankly, assumptions like the one you just made don't do anybody any justice, ever.

Typically, if you're respectful and honest (which may mean not saying EVERYTHING you're up to, but not lying about it either) with cops, they're a lot easier to deal with than if you're being rude and/or a smartass. And it doesn't much matter if you're being stopped in Sunset, Louisiana by a small, pear shaped man with a Napoleon complex who's looking for any minor excuse to write a ticket or by a Vermont State Trooper who just nailed you, dead to rights for going 20 miles over the speed limit.

tru theres alot of good cops out there i just never happen to see them i think maybe a few but thats it
"We forgot to call Dylan" "Who the F*ck is Dylan?" "oh, I mean xDylanx" " oh yea we forgot to call him"
# 5
Kevin Taylor
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07/14/2005 6:42 am
One little scam the cops have going here in is they'll add a 'Mischief' charge to anything else they charge you with. So if somebody is doing anything from drinking in public to shoplifting or driving without a license, they'll also charge them with Mischief. The purpose being that if they drop the original charges , they still have something to convict them with in court.
They know from experience that Mischief is an indefensible charge because you could technically be causing Mischief by doing just about anything.
.. learned that one from a friend who went to work for em.
I also learned that most cops don't give a crap about the law when they aren't actually working. It's just a job. Most of em get power mad, especially when they're first hired. And most of em lose all their friends because nobody wants to be associated with cops. For instance, as soon as my friend (and former band mate) joined the force, I didn't want him coming around anymore. He showed up a couple of times in his cop car and I'd be sitting outside talking to him or he's showing me the computer in his car, and I suddenly notice all the neighbors are out front of their houses because they thought I was being charged with something. Or he shows up just when we've lit something up which shocked the hell out of me the first time it happened.
He didn't care about it, but the one thing you don't wanna see when you're just starting to mellow out with a bunch of friends is a cop in uniform standing outside your door.
# 6
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07/14/2005 10:15 am
Originally Posted by: schmangeOr he shows up just when we've lit something up which shocked the hell out of me the first time it happened.

:eek: I was at a party once, smoking in a little group like you do, comparing notes. Asked one guy 'what do you do?' and guess what? He's a cop! Had to change my trousers, but he carried on smoking with us for hours...

There may be some good police, but in the UK they're too busy doing nothing to be effective. My parents live 25 miles from the nearest manned police station, so that's just great.

Where I live, whatever happens we just have to accept that the cops won't do anything about it... :mad:

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# 7
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07/14/2005 12:29 pm
Yeah, It really sucks if you lost something, especially if it was stolen. But hey, the thief really has a miserable life, where he insists on stealing things, and he must have been living in hell, for he cant find happiness. Trust me, he is burning in guilt and in ell RIGHT NOW
# 8
Kevin Taylor
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07/14/2005 12:45 pm
> Where I live, whatever happens we just have to accept that the cops
> won't do anything about it...

I don't think Englands 'bobbies' have kept up with the times.
They're still using 20th century policing techniques that rely on most people not knowing anything about the law. Twenty years ago, people automatically assumed that if you did something illegal, there was a huge organization prepared to charge you and put you in jail.
These days, just from watching t.v., everybody knows what the law is and how inadequately prepared the cops are to deal with lawbreakers.
Especially teens.
The schools have changed too. Back when I was in school in Hull, if you just looked at a teacher wrong you'd get your hand slapped with a ruler or your butt paddled. You wouldn't dare do something wrong.
These days, the teachers are so afraid of lawsuits it's no wonder nobody respects authority anymore.
# 9
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07/14/2005 12:55 pm
Originally Posted by: schmangeBack when I was in school in Hull, if you just looked at a teacher wrong you'd get your hand slapped with a ruler or your butt paddled. You wouldn't dare do something wrong.
These days, the teachers are so afraid of lawsuits it's no wonder nobody respects authority anymore.

Couldn't agree more. And that's to say nothing about the teachers these days that get assaulted physically and even sexually(!).

It won't be long before everyone is running around nicking things, knowing they'll never get caught - I even considered it myself... 'if you can't beat em join em'. Sadly, I have a conscience... But then I also have a house full of potential offensive weapons, so am more than prepared for a re-match :D

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# 10
Cryptic Excretions
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07/14/2005 9:52 pm
Originally Posted by: schmangeOne little scam the cops have going here in is they'll add a 'Mischief' charge to anything else they charge you with. So if somebody is doing anything from drinking in public to shoplifting or driving without a license, they'll also charge them with Mischief. The purpose being that if they drop the original charges , they still have something to convict them with in court.
They know from experience that Mischief is an indefensible charge because you could technically be causing Mischief by doing just about anything.
.. learned that one from a friend who went to work for em.
I also learned that most cops don't give a crap about the law when they aren't actually working. It's just a job. Most of em get power mad, especially when they're first hired. And most of em lose all their friends because nobody wants to be associated with cops. For instance, as soon as my friend (and former band mate) joined the force, I didn't want him coming around anymore. He showed up a couple of times in his cop car and I'd be sitting outside talking to him or he's showing me the computer in his car, and I suddenly notice all the neighbors are out front of their houses because they thought I was being charged with something. Or he shows up just when we've lit something up which shocked the hell out of me the first time it happened.
He didn't care about it, but the one thing you don't wanna see when you're just starting to mellow out with a bunch of friends is a cop in uniform standing outside your door.

And that's why Steven Seagal should be a cop. Any who've seen his movies (being that he's a cop or something in all of them) know he's always out to right all wrongs.
The Gods Made Heavy Metal, And They Saw That It Was Good
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Whatever you do, don't eat limes. A friend of mine ate a lime once and BAM!! Two years later. Herpes.
# 11
Kevin Taylor
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07/14/2005 10:32 pm
He was kewl until he turned religious and started acting weird...
at least according to the press.
Then again.. who can rely on the press.... like the way they're making Tom Cruise out to be a total weirdo these days.... then again...
argh... who cares. I just wish I could watch TV for one day without seeing anybody mention Tom Cruise, Jennifer Lopez , Brad Pitt or Angela Jolie.
# 12
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07/14/2005 11:17 pm
Originally Posted by: schmange... ARGH... TV SUCKS!!!
[font=trebuchet ms]So shut it down.

I got a bill from my cable company 7 years ago anouncing that the special package no-one wanted to buy was going to be added to the basic channel package, and the $35 monthly bill was going up by $5 a month to pay for it. I was watching about 2 hours of TV a week.

I got my ISP bill the same day. $53 for 3 months unlimited access. I was online about 3 hours a day.

I cancelled my cable and never looked back. I now have ADSL for about what my cable was costing me 7 years ago.[/font] :cool:
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# 13
Cryptic Excretions
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07/14/2005 11:30 pm
Originally Posted by: schmangeHe was kewl until he turned religious and started acting weird...
at least according to the press.
Then again.. who can rely on the press.... like the way they're making Tom Cruise out to be a total weirdo these days.... then again...
argh... who cares. I just wish I could watch TV for one day without seeing anybody mention Tom Cruise, Jennifer Lopez , Brad Pitt or Angela Jolie.

That's part of the reason why I don't watch tv. Too much bull****, not enough worth while entertainment. Certainly not enough to pull me away from my guitar.
The Gods Made Heavy Metal, And They Saw That It Was Good
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Whatever you do, don't eat limes. A friend of mine ate a lime once and BAM!! Two years later. Herpes.
# 14
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07/15/2005 12:48 am
I like TV. It fills in the spaces in which I could be doing something productive, but no.

# 15
Cryptic Excretions
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Cryptic Excretions
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07/15/2005 2:00 am
Originally Posted by: AkiraYeah, it's quite expensive considering all you end up doing anyway is endlessly flicking through the channels trying to find something atleast a little bit entertaining.

Only to finally come to terms with the fact that there is nothing entertaining on so you just turn the damn thing off and do something worth while... like play guitar.
The Gods Made Heavy Metal, And They Saw That It Was Good
They Said To Play It Louder Than Hell, We Promised That We Would

Hulk Smash!!

Whatever you do, don't eat limes. A friend of mine ate a lime once and BAM!! Two years later. Herpes.
# 16
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07/15/2005 5:09 am
DIscovery channel is the best
"We forgot to call Dylan" "Who the F*ck is Dylan?" "oh, I mean xDylanx" " oh yea we forgot to call him"
# 17
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07/17/2005 12:58 am
Television is a grand idea that never really lived up to its' potential. For every Discovery Channel, TLC, PBS or CNN (or my favorite guilty pleasure, Comedy Central), there are fifty other stations ramming pablum like 'Everybody Loves Raymond' and 'Yes, Dear' down our collective throats.

But to say that I would yank TV out of here? Not likely. It's still nice to occasionally catch an old 'King Biscuit Flour Hour' or 'Austin County Limits' floating on a back channel somewhere.

Oh yeah, almost forgot. The History Channel is another good one. A&E used to be top notch too.

Heck, I guess I do like TV... well, some of it anyway.
[FONT=Tahoma]"All I can do is be me ... whoever that is". Bob Dylan [/FONT]
# 18
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07/17/2005 5:02 am
man this has gotten way off topic.....
# 19
Andrew Sa
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07/17/2005 10:59 am
I dont like tv much...but I love it! Its great watching films and all.

Maynard James Keenan says that Tv is the biggest mind altering drug in the world...I kinda agree.

I have a friend who doesnt have a tv, his family just never believed in it! My uncle is then same...his house has no TV! I would get a tv just for DVD's and playstation (never had one of them, now we got one in our house and those things are ****ing amazing!),but not for much more!
[FONT=Century Gothic]Hope is when we feel the pain that makes us try again[/FONT]
# 20

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