Originally Posted by: Poontang_clancops are crap everywhere, this may sound stupid but i was with my friends and a cop went by and we waved to him and then one of my friends yells "I LOVE YOU" and the cop stopped and he threatened to kick our asses when he should be out actually stopping real crime hes probably a homophobe not that any of us were gay its just my friends a joker and decided to tell the cop he loves him.
Yes, because the few cops you've delt with are a fair basis to judge the thousands upon thousands that you haven't.
Sorry, but that's
exactly the sort of thing people use to justify racism, classism and virtually every other evil we can inflict upon our fellow man.
I've been around a fair amount, I know people from all ends of the spectrum and here is the truth of the matter:
There are a lot of well trained, professional, solid cops out there who have an honest desire to help people by doing their job well. And there are also a lot of assholes with a badge; sometimes it's due to incompetance, sometimes is just the end result of dealing with the worst humanity has to offer day in and day out -- it takes a horrible toll on any person.
And frankly, assumptions like the one you just made don't do anybody any justice, ever.
Typically, if you're respectful and honest (which may mean not saying EVERYTHING you're up to, but not lying about it either) with cops, they're a lot easier to deal with than if you're being rude and/or a smartass. And it doesn't much matter if you're being stopped in Sunset, Louisiana by a small, pear shaped man with a Napoleon complex who's looking for any minor excuse to write a ticket or by a Vermont State Trooper who just nailed you, dead to rights for going 20 miles over the speed limit.
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