Guitar Tricks Blog
Posted January 5, 2022
10 Famous Songs with Three Chords or Less
When learning to play guitar, it can be a little daunting to search for a guitar chord chart only to see hundreds of chords you think you have to know in order to play a just a few songs. In reality, the opposite is true. You only need to know a few chords to play hundreds of songs. Many of the most famous songs in the world are made up of three chords or less, and many even share the same three chords. Anyone taking <a style="color: #e03e2d
Posted January 5, 2022
Guitar Tab Symbols Explained!
Guitar tab symbols tell a guitar player what to do when reading guitar tablature. The symbols may represent a bend, a palm mute, a hammer on, pull off, vibrato, and more. Even if you do have a key for all of the guitar tab symbols, it may be confusing when it comes time to actually play a tab. If you’re new to reading guitar tabs or new to taking guitar lessons, let&r
Posted August 9, 2021
The CAGED System Explained
As you're learning how to play guitar, you'll likely hear players reference the CAGED system as being a great tool to utilize in your learning process. To put it simply, CAGED is essentially a way of visualizing chord shapes on the fretboard. The trick to using the CAGED system is to realize that it consists of moveable shapes that can be any chord depending upon where you put the root note. Once you know the five basic shapes you can p
Posted February 26, 2021