Guitar Tricks Blog
Posted April 29, 2024
The Best Way To Learn to Play Guitar: Step-By-Step
Who wouldn't want to become a rock god? But unfortunately many people give up learning the guitar. Success isn’t determined by your gear, budget, age, or the music you like. Instead, it is your approach and the amount of practice time you spend on appropriate musical goals. In this beginner guitar lesson we have put together some of the best ways to learn how to play guitar.
Seems like it should be easy to learn how to play guitar.
Posted February 28, 2024
All Open Chords On Guitar
The easiest chords to play on the guitar are open chords. Open chords will most likely be the first thing you pick up when learning to play guitar. This is where the chords are played in 'first position' closest to the nut and you use strings that are not fretted - i.e. open. The important part to remember is that these open strings cannot be touched by your fingers or it will cause dead and unpleasant sounds. When you first start playing, go slow and focus on what you can do, saving the harder chords for when you get better! He