Guitar Tricks Blog
Posted March 14, 2018
What type of guitarist are you?
Take the quiz and see what type of guitarist you are!
Posted February 2, 2018
Guitar Music Terms - Guitar Tricks Quiz
Learning guitar for the first time can be challenging, but it can be even more difficult when all of the technical language come into play. What's a saddle? Where's the bridge? An aspiring guitarist must also learn a handful of new lingo just to keep up. Hopefully this quiz can help you memorize some of the key words that are used in the Guitar Fundamentals course and make learning just a bit easier.
Posted November 20, 2017
The Beatles, Which One Are You?! Quiz
The Beatles have long been known as one of the most popular and important rock bands in history. If you're a fan of the mopheads that arguably started the "British Invasion," go ahead and take the quiz to see which Liverpool boy you most resemble in spirit and in life.