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New Song Lessons from SRV, Rihanna, Ed Sheeran and More!

Happy Friday everyone! As you know, we regularly release new lessons each week and with that being said, I just wanted to share with you the list of new songs we’ve recently added to our catalog. These new songs are a mix of contemporary pop and classic rock from Rihanna and Ed Sheeran to Stevie Ray Vaughan. Enjoy!


Stay (Made Easy) - Rihanna

You’ve most likely heard this song on the radio, in your favorite TV show, or movie. This modern pop classic by Rihanna has been adapted for a single acoustic guitar and it’s great for beginners or fans of the artist. It features quick down strums, and fast-changing chords, making it a great exercise for those just getting started playing rhythm guitar. It’s also pretty fun to sing along to! And if you noticed, the singer behind the vocals of our lesson is Reagan James, a top 10 finalist on NBC’s The Voice, and she can even teach you how to sing through our sister site, 30 Day Singer

Learn the full song here.


The Night We Met (Made Easy) - Lord Huron

This song from Lord Huron uses a simple strum pattern and can be played on just a single acoustic guitar but don’t let the song fool you, it’s actually a bit more complicated than it sounds. The tempo for the song is not your traditional 4/4 time, but instead uses a 9/8 and 12/8 time signature. You can even play this song with arpeggiation or add more strums to really make it sound more like the recording. 

Learn the full song here.


Perfect (Made Easy) - Ed Sheeran

One of the most popular songs today, Ed Sheeran’s “Perfect” is a great exercise for beginners wanting to work on their open chords. The song is played in a 12/8 time and for more advanced players wanting to make the performance a little more interesting, you can even add extended chords to those open chords. 

Learn the full song here.


The Twist - Chubby Checker

This hit from the 50’s is must-play for anyone looking to practice their 12 bar blues. It features a fast progression with only down strokes, and we’ve even turned the saxophone solo on the original recording into a guitar solo for you to learn. It’s a great song to learn for rhythm guitar players and as always, Full Access members can learn the entire song with just a single instrument. 

Learn the full song here.


Mary Had A Little Lamb - Stevie Ray Vaughan

For anyone who wants a challenge, this song requires the player to be responsible for both lead and rhythm guitar parts. In this lesson, Anders teaches you all of SRV’s signature bluesy licks and riffs so that your sound feels full but precise. Even though the song is incredibly rhythmic, there are great solo lessons to be learned here as well. Learn this and you’d be well on your way to being that much more of a rounded guitar player, with mastery over both rhythm and lead. 

Learn the full song here.


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