Christopher will show you a method of building speed at playing scale sequences on one string. We'll start with a focus on efficient picking hand technique and control. Then we'll add a focus on fretting hand positions to play both the minor and major diatonic scales linearly on one string. Finally we'll combine these techniques into several exercises designed to help gain and improve speedy scale line playing.
Lesson Info
Christopher Schlegel
- Styles:
- Difficulty:
- Files
- 16 Videos / 14 Score
- Published
Tutorial Lessons
- Building Speed: Introduction
- Tremolo Picking Technique
- Tremolo Picking Technique Play Along
- A Minor Scale Tremolo Picking
- A Minor Scale Tremolo Picking Play Along
- A Major Scale Tremolo Picking
- A Major Scale Tremolo Picking Play Along
- A Minor Scale In 4s
- A Minor Scale In 4s Play Along
- A Major Scale In 4s
- A Major Scale In 4s Play Along
- A Minor Scale In 6s
- A Minor Scale In 6s Play Along
- A Major Scale In 6s
- A Major Scale In 6s Play Along
- Speedy Ideas 1: Conclusion