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The Last Time

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First let's break down the signature riff that opens the song and also keeps going underneath the vocal, once the verse starts.

So we're in the key of E, and our basic harmony for the intro and the verses is E for a full bar, then a half bar of D and a half bar of A.

We're working out of the same position, where we have E major barre chord with the root on the 5th string. Then, we'll slide up to the 9th fret of the D string with our 3rd finger. Grab the 7th fret of the G-string with your 1st finger. Now we'll barre across the 9th fret and hit the D and the G string.

Now for the D chord, we'll start with the open D string and hammer on to the 9th fret of the D string with our 3rd finger. Then we play the 7th fret of the G-string and make it short.

For A, we'll hit the open A string and hammer on to the 7th fret with our 2nd finger. After that we'll hit the 6th fret of the D string and make it short. Notice how this spells out an A major triad.

This riff happens for the intro, and then it keeps going all through the verse, when the vocals come in.

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The Last Time