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Keep On The Sunny Side

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Next we are going to look at how to play the main melody of our song, using our second guitar. Think of this as an added bonus in the beginning of our tutorial, as you can easily play this song just strumming the entire time. You will hear this melody three different times throughout the song, played the same way each time echoing the vocal melody.

The melody can be broken down into four, two bar phrases. The first starts off with a pick up note on the & of beat three, playing an ascending melody up the root which is G. This is then followed by another melody where we resolve to D.

For the next two measures, we are going to start with an arpeggio on G that reaches up to a high E, and then resolves to A which is a chord tone of the D chord.

Over the next two measures, we will start by playing over the D chord on A which will then resolve back to our G chord.

And for the last four bars, we will start on A, and then will resolve again back to G to end it.

We will play this melody three different times throughout the song, played the same way each time. You can strum along with our guitar, or join in and play the melody and feel free to add any embellishments to make it your own.

Lesson Info
Keep On The Sunny Side