- Blackmore Gear & Tone
- Finger Plucked Diad Riffs
- Blues Licks with Diatonic Notes
- Bluesy Minor Triad Sweeping
- Preparing to Play Along Example 1
- Blackmore Example 1 Play Along
- Octave Riffing
- Baroque Scale Sequencing
- Two String Arpeggio Pull-offs
- Preparing to Play Along Example 2
- Blackmore Example 2 Play Along
- Snake Charmer Riffing
- Snake Charmer Licks
- Phrygian Triads
- Preparing to Play Along Example 3
- Blackmore Example 3 Play Along
- Ritchie Blackmore Style Conclusion
Octave Riffing
Another one of Blackmore's rhythm riffing techniques is to play octaves instead of full chords.
In my example I am playing a low bass note, then playing an octave higher. Separating the notes rhythmically creates an active, bouncing around, high-energy sound! I am playing the notes, A, G & F each with their octaves. This suggests a progression in the key of A minor. Also, in between some of the octaves I play a little scale run outlining the first five notes of the A minor scale, which is another neat Blackmore-ish touch.
Christopher Schlegel