- Blackmore Gear & Tone
- Finger Plucked Diad Riffs
- Blues Licks with Diatonic Notes
- Bluesy Minor Triad Sweeping
- Preparing to Play Along Example 1
- Blackmore Example 1 Play Along
- Octave Riffing
- Baroque Scale Sequencing
- Two String Arpeggio Pull-offs
- Preparing to Play Along Example 2
- Blackmore Example 2 Play Along
- Snake Charmer Riffing
- Snake Charmer Licks
- Phrygian Triads
- Preparing to Play Along Example 3
- Blackmore Example 3 Play Along
- Ritchie Blackmore Style Conclusion
Bluesy Minor Triad Sweeping
Another widely copied aspect of Blackmore's lead playing style is his use of arpeggios. In particular, this example shows how he used sweep picking arpeggios combined with bluesy bends and slides.
Christopher Schlegel