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Major Scale Intervals

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Another often used interval in rock guitar lead playing are "fourths." Fourths differ from thirds in that their isn't a major and minor difference. This is often why it is referred to as a perfect fourth. You will see in the example below that you only change fourths once in playing the interval from the fourth note in the scale (a sharp fourth.) Again, take a look at the break down of the intervals and than apply it to the scale pattern in the demonstration to get you started with this concept.

Here is an introduction to fourths in the key of G major, showing you each note in the scale and it's related fourth interval.

G - C
A - D
B - E
C - F# (sharped fourth)
D - G
E - A
F# - B

Let's take a G major scale pattern from Chapter 1 and now find the fourth intervals contained inside this scale pattern. Once we have that under our fingers, try this example in the style of Dan Auerbach (The Black Keys.)

Lesson Info
Major Scale Intervals