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Music Theory: a Brief Overview

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Now we build a chord (a triadic sequence) on every note of the scale using only notes of the scale in the same pattern. This is applying the principle of Triadic Harmony to the entire scale. This is called harmonizing the scale.

C - E - G = 1st scale degree - 3rd scale degree - 5th scale degree = the "one chord" of the C major scale. So, the chord built on the first scale degree of the C major scale is a C major chord.

The distance (the interval) between the notes of the chord gives us the formula for all major chords: 1st note of chord, 4 half steps (or 2 whole steps), 3rd note of chord, 3 half steps (or 1 and a half steps), 5th note of chord.

The formula for minor chords is: 1st note of chord, 3 half steps (or 1 and a half steps), 3rd note of chord, 4 half steps (or 2 whole steps), 5th note of chord.

The formula for diminished chords is: 1st note of chord, 3 half steps (or 1 and a half steps), 3rd note of chord, 3 half steps (or 1 and a half steps), 5th note of chord.

Now we now all three types of triad chords we will encounter in major scale harmony. So we build a chord on every note of the C major scale. Here is the list of all the chords:

  • C - E - G = 1-3-5 (the "1 chord") C major chord

  • D - F - A = 2-4-6 (the "2 chord") D minor chord

  • E - G - B = 3-5-7 (the "3 chord") E minor chord

  • F - A - C = 4-6-1 (the "4 chord") F major chord

  • G - B - D = 5-7-2 (the "5 chord") G major chord

  • A - C - E = 6-1-3 (the "6 chord") A minor chord

  • B - D - F = 7-2-4 (the "7 chord") B diminished chord

    Notice that every chord has 3 notes - its own 1st, 3rd & 5th unto itself. This is a crucial point: every note in the major scale has 2 separate and simultaneous functions.

  • 1. It's position in the scale.

  • 2. It's position in any given chord.

    This tutorial covers harmonizing the major scale in depth & detail.

    Major Scale Harmony

    This tutorial covers harmonizing the major scale in depth & detail.

    Minor Scale Harmony

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    Music Theory: a Brief Overview