In music the basic unit of measurement is the interval. An interval is the distance from one key to the next adjacent key is one half step. On a guitar the musical distance from the note on one fret to the note that sounds on the next fret is one half step.
Two half-steps is a whole step. On a guitar the musical distance from one note to another note 2 frets away is 2 half-steps or one whole step. We can keep combining and adding half-steps and whole steps. But eventually it becomes more efficient to label intervals by using larger units called scale degrees.
The trickiest part of learning to apply this idea to the guitar is that frequently the two notes you are trying to see the interval between are on two different strings. So, get used to learning intervals on one string, then start to apply it to multiple strings.
If you take nothing else away from this first lesson, remember this: A half step is a distance of one fret and a whole step is a distance of two frets.
This tutorials covers the concept of intervals in more depth & detail