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Handy Man

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Our pre-chorus happens twice in the track, and will be the only repeating part of the song aside from the chorus from here on out. This part does a great job of setting up our chorus.

The chord progression for the pre-chorus is:

|| G A - D A/C# - Bmi - Bmi A - G - A G/B A/C# - D - G/D A ||

We start with a fast moving progression, playing G to A for two beats each followed by our D chord which transitions into an A/C# on beat 4. We then play Bmin for a whole bar, followed by another bar of Bmin with A on beat four. This helps darken the mood a bit, and then lightens things back up with our A chord for the repeat.

For the next four bars, we have a quite a bit more movement in the chords; building and building into our chorus. We start things off the same way moving from G to A, followed by an A chord that switches to G/B to A/C#. For the last bar, we will play our main ending motif that we have played in each section of the song.

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Handy Man