Originally Posted by: PonyOnedo you know the circumstances under which he killed the other guy? Was it two drunk idiots fighting and the fight got to intense, or did he have a personal vendetta against him, track him down and murder him?
Well, I've been told he shot a black guy who was gay (I don't know if his color or that he was homosexuell was the reason, maybe both) and thats troubling me.. This guy writes all the lyrics, so may they have nazi-messages? I'm so against all kind of rasism and fascism and intolerance general and that's the scary ****, may I've been listening to bloody nazis for several months?? Acctually, as I read your posts, the more I figured out that I must take some kind of position? Can I listen to whithe power music just because the guitarist is awesome? No, I don't think so.
But!!! When he steps out of the prison, he has taken his punishment and he's a free man again. Maybe he has changed! Shouldn't I give him at least a chanse? Or will I read the new lyrics for weeks just to make shure if thats fu**ing nazi-propaganda? I may never be shure.. No, I guess I will be reading some interwievs first and see if he seams to AT LEAST regret his crime and that he's sorry that a guy doesn't live anymore..
Anyway, I'm against death punishment. Such doesn't change anything in the long distance.. Less drinking, smoking etc. + preventing actions to children with difficult growth and much better psychical care is the key to end such crimes..
Everyone may not agree, and I'm looking forward to discuss it with those who like..
Thanx for your interesting answers!!!!
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