Metallica great

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04/04/2004 3:00 am
For those who like metallica and know about them, tell me what do you think makes them a great band the most. do you think its the guitatt riffs or the vocals and songwriting or is it becuase they were different, tell me what you think.
Mike ;)
# 1
Slow Diver
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04/04/2004 3:00 am
are you kidding me?
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# 2
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04/04/2004 6:07 pm
no im not, i should have said on the albums before load, what made them such a great band, even if you dont like them they still proven that they are a great band, so what made them so great.?
Mike ;)
# 3
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04/05/2004 12:12 am
Some Reasons for Metallica's Success (Greatness , whatever):

1 - Good riffs and unique style (not the today's nu-metalish downtuned, sololess "st. anger" stuff of course)
2 - They were always unexpected and obsessed ... You can notice that all of their albums are clearly differenct & distinct (except for load and reload , both sounds like a one big album).
3 - The "We don't give a crap" attitude.
4 - Their live performance.
5 - Alcohol :D
6 - Their name .... Most people doesn't notice that the name metallica is very interesting , and that it's a reason for why they liked that band , but it is true , their name helped spreading their stuff quicker. (btw , their name was stolen or taken from someone else's magazine or something).
# 4
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04/05/2004 3:27 am
I've gotta say I appreciate the way the singer remains devoted to making tunes. He may spend the same amount of time on the guitar as a solo guitarist except his attention is geared towards making the songs and melodies and leaving the soloing to another guitarist. This isn't often seen I don't think and he is decent at making tunes in my opinion. ....Also the brain of the drummer.
# 5
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04/05/2004 6:00 pm
They were different, they had good riffs and they wrote good songs. They have changed now and have become boring and the sound they are getting when performing live doesnt seem to be very good and they write crap songs.
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# 6
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04/06/2004 3:31 am
I don't like Metallica anymore... I think they've run out of ideas. Or atleast good ones.

# 7
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04/06/2004 3:57 am
Originally posted by iiholly
I don't like Metallica anymore... I think they've run out of ideas. Or atleast good ones.

Ooooo... rim shot, please!

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... and that's all I have to say about that.

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# 8
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04/06/2004 4:43 am
That was pretty good.

But I used to love Metallica, before the Black Album.

They had interesting melodies, nice riffs, and good lyrics. Then Cliff died.

And KrIk HaMsTeR got even better. *s*
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# 9
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04/06/2004 5:41 am
I like 'em cause my big brother did. I could really identify with the lyrics (I'm talkin' older metallica here). Also, I always liked the way they could have such powerful, anger-inducing metal riffs, as well as beautifully melodious parts too.
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# 10
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04/07/2004 6:54 pm
Metallica kick's your ass because of Kirk Hammet, he still plays as fast like hell!

The reason why metallica is still the strong force that it is now, is because they've got respect for the fans!
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# 11
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04/07/2004 11:07 pm
Originally posted by stanger
Metallica kick's your ass because of Kirk Hammet, he still plays as fast like hell!

Don't missunderstand me , I used to be (still somehow) a big fan of metallica and kirk hammett ... But when did he ever play as fast as hell ?!
I always thought of hammett as a nice player , not as a faster one ... Most people I taught could play his solos faster than him after a few months of regular practice.

The reason why metallica is still the strong force that it is now, is because they've got respect for the fans!

Metallica respect their fans ??!!
I don't think so buddy ... Then why do you think they sued napster, dramatically changed their musical directions , although they're sure that these stuff would definately piss the fans off ?
# 12
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04/08/2004 10:55 pm
I used to be a huge Metallica fan, even had their bootleg cassettes that were passed about before they had a recording contract, but I haven't bought a single Metallicrap album since the the Black Album.... reasons I don't like them anymore:

1. They got to the very top of their career without putting out a single video, they said they would never put one out. Now they are MTV Icons...
2. They got their start with bootleg tapes being passed around and now they sue fans for sharing their music...
3. Kirk just sucks monkey nuts now...
4. Maybe if they got back on the Alcohol, they could actually write good tunes...
5. They used to be the leaders... now they just get lapped...
6. If I wanted to hear Metallica's brand of music today, I would just listen to Simple Plan, because what's the difference?...

So. If you throw a cat out of a car window, is it considered "kitty litter"?
# 13
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04/09/2004 2:24 am
simple plan??? lol good one but i really dont like st.anger much, i own it out of respect and for the purpose of having all there albums but even though i think st anger isnt really the greatest i think that they still are the best band to ever live. I heard Kirk Hammett play solos on his guitar on the mp3 section at of there live shows from this year and i must say i think he plays his solos just as good and even better. Just because he doesnt play solos on the album doesnt mean he totally forgot about them.
\ To tell you the truth who cares if you are an Mtv Icon also , that was there decision and so they should be able to do it. even if they did fall into the mainstream (wich they did) its a whole lot better than all that rap and **** they put on there now, any ways metallica did what every band wish to have done and i think they have proven enough to say they are a great band.

but maybe they will come out with a good album in te future, we wont know til then.
Mike ;)
# 14
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04/09/2004 4:17 am
Man they haven't put a good album out since the Black Album, so why would they start now?
So. If you throw a cat out of a car window, is it considered "kitty litter"?
# 15
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04/09/2004 5:34 am
Do we respect them anymore, do we not. You people who write huge stories about how you don't like them obviously did at one point, or else why would you write huge stories about why you don't anymore, and that's more than a lot of people in bands can ask.

I respect them them because they don't give a rats hole about you or me. They're just like Zeppelin man, who are they making music for? Themselves.
# 16
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04/09/2004 6:20 am
Originally posted by basics
Do we respect them anymore, do we not. You people who write huge stories about how you don't like them obviously did at one point, or else why would you write huge stories about why you don't anymore, and that's more than a lot of people in bands can ask.

I respect them them because they don't give a rats hole about you or me. They're just like Zeppelin man, who are they making music for? Themselves.

If they are making music for themselves, why did they fall into the whole nu-metal crap pool?

They make music for money, just like the rest of corporate America.

I used to love Metallica don't get me wrong. Heck, I still listen to And Justice For All... regularly, but now I think they've taken the easy way out.

Downtune your guitair, chug some powerchords, forget about melody, and scream. There ya go, you've got millions.
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# 17
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04/09/2004 8:20 am
Metallica is such an issue. Why. They sold out, misused their fans. Ok.

I was a bit loaded before. I've got no metallica influence - doesn't bother me either way. Know this: I'm learning guitar for the money as well. If you're not you're stupid and what's the point. I hope in due time I'm like metallica with respect to everything non-musical associated with them. Play the market, develop a fan base and then throw it all back in their sheep faces. I'm rich. I do what I want. What else is there. Amen Metallica.
# 18
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04/09/2004 2:36 pm
well i believe the money is nice , and metallica well deserve it but i dont think thats all they should or anyone should care about, music is something that should be played becuase you want to listen to it an others to enjoy it, but money is good still but thats not what it is all about.
Mike ;)
# 19
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04/23/2004 1:40 am
old metallica rocks
# 20

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