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Un-Registered User
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Un-Registered User
Joined: 08/08/02
Posts: 1,613
04/05/2004 12:12 am
Some Reasons for Metallica's Success (Greatness , whatever):

1 - Good riffs and unique style (not the today's nu-metalish downtuned, sololess "st. anger" stuff of course)
2 - They were always unexpected and obsessed ... You can notice that all of their albums are clearly differenct & distinct (except for load and reload , both sounds like a one big album).
3 - The "We don't give a crap" attitude.
4 - Their live performance.
5 - Alcohol :D
6 - Their name .... Most people doesn't notice that the name metallica is very interesting , and that it's a reason for why they liked that band , but it is true , their name helped spreading their stuff quicker. (btw , their name was stolen or taken from someone else's magazine or something).