Perry is one of the all time greats in my eyes!
Hendrix vrs. Perry

I think Joe Perry is way better basically. Ive given Henrdix a good shot, listen to laodsa his stuff cos my pals loves him. But comparing what I say to perrys guitar work for Aerosmith, theres no competition.
Perry is one of the all time greats in my eyes!
Perry is one of the all time greats in my eyes!
# 1

I dunno, not a big fan of either, but I think Jimi is better. They both relied on the pentatonic scale, 99% of the time. I think Jimi's stuff takes longer to get used to, where as Aerosmith stuff is alot more "pop/rock" as opposed to "super-weird-rock".
Electric Guitars are the inspiration for cries of "Turn that damn thing down"-Gibson website
# 2

Im refering more to the 70s perry, man his live performances are awesome, to me, way more impressive than hendrix. Its kinda weird how you hear names like Slash and Zakk Wilde all tha time on here, which dont get me wrong I like too, but Perry so beyond those guys its not real!
# 3

Originally posted by Axl_Rose
Im refering more to the 70s perry, man his live performances are awesome, to me, way more impressive than hendrix.
Yeah, cause Hendrix was alive in the 70's and was able to "compete" with Perry...:rolleyes:
# 4

I said "The 70s Perry", as in that era of Perrys career you smart arse!
Learn how to interpret grammar properly before you post cocky spam like that!
[Edited by Axl_Rose on 02-11-2004 at 01:46 PM]
Learn how to interpret grammar properly before you post cocky spam like that!
[Edited by Axl_Rose on 02-11-2004 at 01:46 PM]
# 5

Your thread is worthless anyway, as you dare to compare Hendrix with a ordinary cock-rocker like Perry. Hendrix = God, they should teach that in school...
# 6

# 7

Perry definitly but i give some respect to hendrix forging new ways that Perry never has or will.
WWSD? What would stevie do?
# 8

I don't think this thread is dumb at all. I've listened to both Hendrix and Aerosmith. And I have to say that at this point, I prefer Joe Perry. Especially his solo style. But now, I'm no expert on Hendrix, I may change my mind after listening closer to his songs, but today, I'd choose Perry.
However, the songs I've heard by Hendrix have a special atmosphere in them, and I guess Hendrix is at least just as good as Perry when it comes to writing songs.
BUT I am into the Joe Perry guitar style. Listen to the riffs and solo's. Listen to the Dude Looks Like A Lady solo. I can't get enough of all those rhythmic phrases. (please don't say Perry is not the one playing that solo?)
Anyway, interesting discussion!
However, the songs I've heard by Hendrix have a special atmosphere in them, and I guess Hendrix is at least just as good as Perry when it comes to writing songs.
BUT I am into the Joe Perry guitar style. Listen to the riffs and solo's. Listen to the Dude Looks Like A Lady solo. I can't get enough of all those rhythmic phrases. (please don't say Perry is not the one playing that solo?)
Anyway, interesting discussion!
# 9

You all must be kidding...For me Joe Perry is not anywhere near Hendrix
The world is loaded, it's lit to pop, nobody is gonna stop!
# 10

Originally posted by Slow Diver
You all must be kidding...For me Joe Perry is not anywhere near Hendrix
I'm really suprised there hasn't been more responses like this one
Jimi all the way, Perry had his moments but in my mind Perry was just a Jimmy Page rip-off
Alas Gandalf lives, Middle Earth is again safe...
# 11

jimi, easily...... just think about the context in which they have created their music. jo perry doesnt even come close to jimi, perry is only 'of' his genre
# 12

The 'dude(looks like a lady)' solo is simply awesome!
I really dont see how you can class Perry as a 'cock rocker' his biggest fans will surely appreciate his 70s style of playing! This live performances of the 70s were mind blowing, his guitar soloing is up there with the best.
Im a Slash fan at heart, but slash owes a lot to perry! If you havent hear all of perrys stuff then you cant really coment on this topic, and if you think this topic is dumb they why reply to it :rolleyes:
I really dont see how you can class Perry as a 'cock rocker' his biggest fans will surely appreciate his 70s style of playing! This live performances of the 70s were mind blowing, his guitar soloing is up there with the best.
Im a Slash fan at heart, but slash owes a lot to perry! If you havent hear all of perrys stuff then you cant really coment on this topic, and if you think this topic is dumb they why reply to it :rolleyes:
# 13

I just think Perry is one of the most underrated guitarists ever! You hear SLash, Hammet and Wilde talked about everyday on here but Perry is a league above those guys!
# 14
Boy I've never seen this before...Perry kicks ass! No, Jimi is God!!! No, Perry ROCKS!!! No, Jimi Rocks Double with a twist of lemon!!! Whatever. These two are apples and oranges, no comparison.
# 15

Heh Im really pleased to hear theres more perry fans out there! I think Aerosmith are possible the best US rock band ever... infact yea, its offical :)
# 16

Originally posted by Axl_Rose
Heh Im really pleased to hear theres more perry fans out there! I think Aerosmith are possible the best US rock band ever... infact yea, its offical :)
I'm sorry but this is simply hilarious...I laughed so much that my still hurts LOL
The world is loaded, it's lit to pop, nobody is gonna stop!
# 17

omg this is nuts..Joe perry is a snow flake in blizzard.. jimi being the blizzard haha. lil extreme but... oh well. You got to remember hendrix was before perry really. what hendrix did for guitar rock was never done before, he was the true pioneer. the first an orginal he toook the guitar to a new level, to the max. he died in 1970 so of course people could be better technically or w/e songs.. but theose 4 years that he had changed the world forever, setting the guidlines for what to do and what not. if he was around today who knows. jimi was a improviser a lot, and he played with 100% pure feeling, i cant say ive seen someone playing with some much passion. closet in my book is SRV.
# 18
Joe Perry was very good at doing the same sort of things that every other rocker tries to do. Jimi Hendrix was doing things nobody had [u]ever[/u] done before! To render the comparison even less valid, consider that Joe played blues-based rock, but Jimi was actually a rock-based jazz artist.
# 19

This is a very fair post. I love both guitarists, but I give a slight edge to Hendrix....a very slight edge. Perry is a god no doubt, but there is something about Hendrix's licks that reminds me why I wanted to play guitar in the first place. The only other guy who does that for me is the Zeus of guitar, Clapton. Anyway, great topic of discussion don't hear Perry's name all that often and it's a shame because he's so good.
Knock, knock
Who's there?
Ted Bundy
Ted Bundy who?
Let me in, meat
I mean....Hi, it's Santa Claus
Who's there?
Ted Bundy
Ted Bundy who?
Let me in, meat
I mean....Hi, it's Santa Claus
# 20