Hendrix vrs. Perry

Yngtchie Blacksteen
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Yngtchie Blacksteen
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02/22/2004 2:14 am
Originally posted by Yngtchie Blacksteen
One question: why compare Perry to Hendrix of all people? Are their styles similar or something, why did you choose him?

# 1
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02/22/2004 2:24 am

Sambob - What are you on?!?!? Worst bands in rock history?!?

Well, why not? Aerosmith is just a joke in my book. Just another of the many bands that took all the great work prog rock bands did in the early 70s... and proved it was all for nothing (the public still wanted ****ty music, as was proved by the popular rock bands just a few years later).
# 2
Gear Guru
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02/22/2004 3:01 am
Originally posted by Axl_Rose
Originally posted by Lordathestrings
I didn't go because after high school I was a ******-up druggie!

Your point being... you were too immature and irresponsible to value an education?!?! The fact you can say that without a shred of shame is pretty sad.

I meet people like this all the time, people who didnt go to uni so they are bitter and resentful to those who did. They try to know things you dont know and beat you at stuff just so they can say "Ha! and he goes to uni!?!?" :rolleyes:

Excuse me for tryna make sumin of myself! Slag off my grammar all you like!

The tone of this post was meant to be melodramatic :)
"without a shred of shame"? What post were you reading? I said I regret that omission.

"too immature and irresponsible to value an education?!?!" Mea culpa (see above).

"Excuse me for tryna make sumin of myself! Slag off my grammar all you like!" Noted. You're not there yet, nobby. It's a long journey!
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# 3
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02/22/2004 4:08 am
I didn't read all the crap that comes with a massive thread like this but my opinion is Hendrix. They're both blues based. With respect to technique it's Hendrix and with respect to catchy radio tunes that I love it's whatever his name is. One of them died when it was corporately wise and the other guy probably should be. I mean, anybody can play an aerosmith solo by ear and not so much a hendrix one.

However, aerosmith is classic rock, hendrix more psychodelic rock (spelling probably). Aerosmith is more mainstream but that could go to either side of the argument.
# 4
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02/22/2004 11:52 am
Originally posted by basics
anybody can play an aerosmith solo by ear

No way!
# 5
Jolly McJollyson
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Jolly McJollyson
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02/22/2004 9:23 pm
Originally posted by Axl_Rose
I still disagree with the period and comma, perhaps it different between the US and UK becuase theres no way youd need a comma before "hes an awesome guitarist!"

I'm sorry for beating a dead horse, but dependent clauses exist in the UK and the US. I know it's hard not to be stubborn, but please understand that this is NOT a matter of opinion. This is a grammatical rule which I do not like to see broken. The clause before "He's an awesome guitarist" is dependent; you MUST use a comma.
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# 6
Yngtchie Blacksteen
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Yngtchie Blacksteen
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02/22/2004 11:46 pm
I ask again:

Originally posted by Yngtchie Blacksteen
One question: why compare Perry to Hendrix of all people? Are their styles similar or something, why did you choose him?

# 7
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02/23/2004 12:07 am
You cant see any similarities with Perry and Hendrix?!? Cos I can!
And why not compare them. The post was meant to illustrate more than anything that Perry is extremely underrated!
If I wana start a thread of 'Bread vrs Water' then Ill blooming well do that!
Man I love this forum :D
# 8
Gear Guru
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02/23/2004 4:11 am
Originally posted by Axl_Rose
... If I wana start a thread of 'Bread vrs Water' then Ill blooming well do that!...
Waes Gael! :D
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